Joshua Sherrill
- Okay, I just bought this volume, and from looking at it in the first five minutes, I can already say that I do not recommend it unless you're in a pinch (it can be difficult to find elsewhere in a timely fashion and at a reasonable price). There are drawbacks to this volume generally, which some reviewers highlight, though it is still a good tool. But add to those that in Logos the columns, headings, and citation tags are poorly laid out, missaligned, and, in the final section, especially dizzying. This book is bellow the bar of Logos's usually high quality. If possible, I would wait until they fix these pervasive issues before purchasing it. (The "see inside" preview does not show the problem.)
- To see side-by-side comparison of each book's commentary author from the original to the revised edition, copy and paste the below into a word processor or spreadsheet: Original (1976-1992) Revised (2008-2012) Change? Genesis—John H. Sailhamer Genesis—John H. Sailhamer Exodus—Walter C. Kaiser Jr. Exodus—Walter C. Kaiser Jr. Leviticus—R. Laird Harris Leviticus—Richard S. Hess New Author Numbers—Ronald B. Allen Numbers—Ronald B. Allen Deuteronomy—Earl S. Kalland Deuteronomy—Michael A. Grisanti New Author Joshua—Donald H. Madvig Joshua—Hélène Dallaire New Author Judges—Herbert Wolf Judges—Mark J. Boda New Author Ruth—F. B. Huey, Jr. Ruth—George M. Schwab New Author 1 & 2 Samuel—Ronald F. Youngblood 1 and 2 Samuel—Ronald F. Youngblood 1 & 2 Kings—R. D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel 1 and 2 Kings—Richard D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel 1 & 2 Chronicles—J. Barton Payne 1 and 2 Chronicles—Frederick J. Mabie New Author Ezra, Nehemiah—Edwin Yamauchi Ezra and Nehemiah—Edwin M. Yamauchi Esther—F. B. Huey, Jr. Esther—Elaine Phillips New Author Job—Elmer Smick Job—Jane H. Smick New Author Psalms—Willem A. VanGemeren Psalms—Willem A. VanGemeren Proverbs—Allen P. Ross Proverbs—Allen P. Ross Ecclesiastes—J. Stafford Wright Ecclesiastes—Jerry E. Shepherd New Author Song of Songs—Dennis F. Kinlaw Song of Songs—George M. Schwab New Author Isaiah—Geoffrey W. Grogan Isaiah—Geoffrey W. Grogan Jeremiah—Charles L. Feinberg Jeremiah—Michael L. Brown New Author Lamentations—H. L. Ellison Lamentations—Paul W. Ferris Jr. New Author Ezekiel—Ralph H. Alexander Ezekiel—Ralph H. Alexander Daniel—Gleason L. Archer Jr. Daniel—Andrew E. Hill New Author Hosea—Leon J. Wood Hosea—M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) New Author Joel—Richard D. Patterson Joel—Richard D. Patterson Amos—Thomas E. McComiskey Amos and Micah—Thomas E. McComiskey and Tremper Longman III New Co-author Obadiah—Carl E. Armerding Obadiah, Nahum, and Habakkuk—Carl E. Armerding Jonah—H. L. Ellison Jonah—John H. Walton New Author Micah—Thomas E. McComiskey Amos and Micah—Thomas E. McComiskey and Tremper Longman III New Co-author Nahum, Habakkuk—Carl E. Armerding Obadiah, Nahum, and Habakkuk—Carl E. Armerding Zephaniah—Larry Walker Zephaniah—Larry L. Walker Haggai—Robert L. Alden Haggai and Malachi—Eugene H. Merrill New Author Zechariah—Kenneth L. Barker Zechariah—Kenneth L. Barker Malachi—Robert L. Alden Haggai and Malachi—Eugene H. Merrill New Author Matthew—D. A. Carson Matthew—D. A. Carson Mark—Walter W. Wessel Mark—Walter W. Wessel and Mark L. Strauss New Co-author Luke—Walter L. Liefeld Luke—Walter L. Liefeld and David W. Pao New Co-author John—Merrill C. Tenney John—Robert H. Mounce New Author Acts—Richard N. Longenecker Acts—Richard N. Longenecker Romans—Everett F. Harrison Romans—Everett F. Harrison and Donald A. Hagner New Co-author 1 Corinthians—W. Harold Mare 1 Corinthians—Verlyn D. Verbrugge New Author 2 Corinthians—Murray J. Harris 2 Corinthians—Murray J. Harris Galatians—James Montgomery Boice Galatians—Robert K. Rapa New Author Ephesians—A. Skevington Wood Ephesians—William W. Klein New Author Philippians—Homer A. Kent Jr. Philippians—David E. Garland New Author Colossians—Curtis Vaughan Colossians—Todd D. Still New Author 1 & 2 Thessalonians—Robert L. Thomas 1 and 2 Thessalonians—Robert L. Thomas 1 & 2 Timothy—Ralph Earle 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus—Andreas Köstenberger New Author Titus—D. Edmond Hiebert 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus—Andreas Köstenberger New Author Philemon—Arthur A. Rupprecht Philemon—Arthur A. Rupprecht Hebrews—Leon Morris Hebrews—R. T. France New Author James—Donald W. Burdick James—George H. Guthrie New Author 1 & 2 Peter—Edwin A. Blum 1, 2 Peter, Jude—J. Daryl Charles New Author 1, 2 & 3 John—Glenn W. Barker 1, 2, 3 John—Tom Thatcher New Author Jude—Edwin A. Blum 1, 2 Peter, Jude—J. Daryl Charles New Author Revelation—Alan F. Johnson Revelation—Alan F. Johnson
- Was there enough change or upgrade to buy the new editions?
- Out of the fifty-six contributions in the original edition (including grouped books like Ezra-Nehemiah, 1 & 2 Timothy), thirty-five of them have a new author (completely new commentary) or a new co-author (revised commentary) in the revised edition. Personally, I don't yet own the revised edition; just wanted to share the comparison I had made since, for some reason, Zondervan has not made that information handy anywhere.
- By the way, if you copy the text list that I posted, the easiest way to see it neatly in columns is to paste it in Word as "text only" (preserves the tab character), and then copy this and paste it into Excel.