Juha Mikkonen
Church member • Jyväskylän vapaaseurakunta
- Popular and basic work. But at the same time a good one. This is written by a professional for non-professionals. Some things are a simplified and the perspective is quite West-centered. But the book helps laypeople, beginning students and pastors with limited education in church history to understand the overall narrative. It is brief, covers 2000 years in only 540 pages. But not as cursory as some other one-volume works.
- Could not open this book with a tablet. I read most books on my tablet. Looking forward to reading the book. It seems interesting and relevant.
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- To be honest this work seems to me more like a collection of bible study group material for American Evangelical laypeople than a Systematic or Biblical Theology. If people want to read a very simple and ultra conservative perspective, this work has a place. But for a serious work of Biblical or Systematic Theology I would recommend other scholars' works.
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