- Interesting introduction into oft-neglected concepts. We gain valuable insight into what God is like and how he works as we see repeated patterns in scripture: God has done this before! The instructors work their way through the typologies shown in the course outline above, briefly pointing to insights that become clear when we apply this kind of discipline. There are many additional typologies in Scripture. This is a good launching point to help us think about them and recognize them.
- Lots of interesting and valuable insights. While it is unlikely that students will agree with every point, it is extremely helpful to have these concepts to consider and develop. Waltke is an experienced scholar filled with wonderful knowledge. This is a valuable set of lectures filled with thought provoking material. It is well worth the time.
- Concept is good, but perhaps there is something I don't understand. The links to enhanced BDB only get me near the word. I am left scrolling down from that point - sometimes for quite a ways - to find the correct word. With all the power in LOGOS, wish that the link would get me to the exact entry in BDB.
- It takes you near to the word in the dictionary because it takes you to the page number that the word is on. Logos is literally taking you to the page where the word is like the book originally did. I agree that they are being too pedantic.