• I just re-purchased this resource. The developers have done an excellent job addressing this issue! The genealogical charts remain images, but there are now included footnote links below each chart, providing the crucial information the author (and editors) supply in the print edition. Using the print copy has been fun, in that the volume is huge and it lays out nicely on my desk. But it's huge! And heavy! I'm so glad to have the digital issue, and I commend the creativity of the Logos developers for providing a workable solution, making this volume in digital form very much worth the price!
    1. I have the paper version and now purchased the logos version, but I wonder: how do I prioritize this book? I would want it to appear whenever I click a name and there is a genealogy available and also in Factbook I really want it to appear when studying a person and there is a genealogy available. Could you help me out? Thanks in advance.
  • The vast majority of the exegetical information supplied in this excellent resource appears to be missing from the Logos edition. Since the genealogical charts contain footnote indicators, and the charts appear to be imbedded images within the resource, Logos is unable to link those footnote indicators to the actual text supplied in the footnote in the print edition. This unfortunate issue significantly reduces the value of an electronic edition of this volume. If Logos could include the text of the footnotes on the page (the way they appear in ebook formats, perhaps), even if they cannot be linked, this resource could be salvaged.
    1. After reading these observations. I gave up on making the purchase. The quality of some features released in Logos is regrettable.
    2. I just re-purchased this resource. The developers have done an excellent job addressing this issue! The genealogical charts remain images, but there are now included footnote links below each chart, providing the crucial information the author (and editors) supply in the print edition. Using the print copy has been fun, in that the volume is huge and it lays out nicely on my desk. But it's huge! And heavy! I'm so glad to have the digital issue, and I commend the creativity of the Logos developers for providing a workable solution, making this volume in digital form very much worth the price!