• Does anyone know why vol 8 no 2 isn't included in this bundle (not the special issue 2; there was a regular issue no 2 in 2019 as well)?
    1. To answer my own question, it does include the complete psalter, with all verses of all psalms. The canticles of the Roman Office are also included, including some where there are different options for which verses are used. (It's quite a while since I used the Roman Office, so I'm not sure if these are used on different days/hours or if they're available as options.) My Hebrew is nowhere near good enough to comment on the quality of the translation, so I'll leave that to others. It seems a particularly useful resource for anyone having to update their own Office books. One point to mention: it uses the Hebrew numbering, with the LXX in parentheses, so if, like me you're used to the Greek numbering, it might be confusing for a while.
      1. Does anyone know if this contains the complete psalter, including the 'deprecatory' psalms and verses that are omitted from the Roman Divine Office?
        1. Useless in Logos. The names (an important part of each entry in this book) are not visible on account of being written in white typeface on a white background. The names are not listed in the contents, this consisting merely of the letters of the alphabet, and there is no index. Although the other information is interesting/useful, being the meaning of the name and a list of each man and woman with that name, a sentence about who the person was, and relevant Bible references, this information is all available elsewhere with a little effort. (A Bible search in Logos will give all references, and there are other dictionaries available in Logos with the meanings of names.) I have requested a refund for this product owing to its lack of usability. I rate it as no stars for a Logos resource; a print copy would be a higher rating.
          1. I have reported this issue to our team. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
          2. I can confirm that this issue has been fixed.
          3. I'm pleased to say that this has now been fixed. Not only is it now possible to read the names but also the start and end points of the entry are clearer. Consequently I can now upgrade this to five stars.
        2. According to the description, it is ' thoroughly indexed according to subject'; unfortunately, it isn't indexed at all. Still useful, although a later edition might be even more so, particularly with a subject index.
        3. I have to question the digital list price quoted here. It's about the same as the hardback print price on the publisher's website. The paperback and digital (pdf, ePub, Mobi) are much less, the digital being slightly more than the pre-pub price quoted here. I can understand FaithLife needing to cover the costs of tagging, etc. but if the final price is going to be anything like that quoted, then I can't see them selling many copies; if it's going to be more like the publisher's digital price, then the quoted saving is very misleading.
          1. I asked a representative about the high price of another resource compared to the physical copy. He said the prices are set by the publishers, not by Faithlife. I guess that's true, except Faithlife must have some share, so I think publishers set their prices based on what Faithlife charges them.
        4. The description contains the writings of a different volume.
          1. We are working on fixing this problem.
        5. It's very good apart from the bits that are missing. It has the readings for Sundays and Solemnities, a short commentary on each reading, some homily helps, liturgical notes, a few headings for catechesis, and a music guide (which I think uses popular hymns; my church uses either chant or classical music). HOWEVER There are several weeks missing for each year: weeks 6-9 inclusive in year A; 9-11 plus 18 in year B; and 8-10 plus 12 in year C. It seems that it was written for one specific set of years and the Sundays dropped for Easter were left out, as well as B18 for the Transfiguration and C12 for the nativity of John the Baptist, which is a poor oversight on the part of the compilers. Perhaps they could issue the missing 12 Sundays?
          1. As far as I can tell, this is the same translation and Latin as https://verbum.com/product/4246/summa-theologica-english-and-latin-bundle. Interestingly, the Latin of this version has English for the Question and Article headings and lacks the cross-references under the Article titles. I can't comment on how much it's been 'updated and corrected' because I've only had a brief look at it. The only thing I've noticed is that where the older version has the letter J, which Latin doesn't have, this version has the letter I. If you can get this in a library package, as I did, it's okay, but I'm not sure I'd pay for this one over the older version.