Keith Hailey
- After pulling out of "Candy-Coated Churchianity" several years ago, my wife and I discovered the Complete Jewish Bible and it has become one of our most used translations (in actual book form). Extended family members have listened to us read passages and they always seem to ask "Exactly what version is that?" and it seems like the next time we see them, they have their own copy. It has led to a much better understanding of the relationship of Followers of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah/Christ and their Messianic Jewish counterparts/predecessors and how we have been "Grafted In" to the family of Abraham as descendants. (You know, Stuff that you were never taught in Sunday School but is there right in front of you.) The Readings list (Parsha's/Portions) alone is worth the price. Originally laid out by Ezra and with New Testament (B'rit Hadashah) added, When Followed, you will be in sync with the rest of the actual Jewish/Messianic Jewish congregations, and now many awakening protestant churches, around the world and understand better how Jesus (and all Jews) learned as he grew up, every Saturday in the Synagogue. I never realized that a 5 year old Jewish kid had been through all of the books of Moses and a good bit of the old testament 5 time and was already learning to read. I never read straight through the first five books until I was in my early 20's. And the 5 year old was already grasping concepts that were much deeper than what we got in Church-World. And one of the few glances we get of Jesus is when he is starting to teach the teachers when he was 12. (Questioning is a teaching concept that I was taught as an instructor.) Of course, getting a Hebrew calendar is essential to getting the readings for the week correct. (I easily get on the wrong reading and don't' catch it for a week or two.) The use of Hebrew terminology and names is a bit tough at first, but paralleling the CJB with your favorite translation helps considerably in learning and understanding things that were just "Glossed Over" using most English translations (at least for me). Personally, in Word Search, I use the CJB as the group driver and will have 8-10 other translations to quickly look at as well as Strong's and several dictionaries. (I hope this to work out with Logos as well.) The CJB has become probably my most used translations in my digital library as well, closely tied with the NLT and the Geneva Bible.. I highly recommend it for anyone that desires to actually learn, understand and apply the principles and requirements of the Kingdom of God. 100% Grace, 100% Truth is the balance. Anything apart from that and you can end up in the ditch on one side or the other. Thanks for listening/reading.
- I would like to purchase a copy of this copy of " Complete Jewish Bible. Could you please help me. Thank you.