• The Jewish Hallel: Psalms 113-118 and 139. These Psalms are traditionally sung during festival and high holy days. Hallel in Hebrew is "Praise" and when you add jah (short for Jehovah) you get hallelujah which is "Praise God."
    1. Well, today I failed. I started working as soon as I woke up, trying to get ready for Open House today. I will pray on the way to work but I just wanted to let y’all know for accountability.
      1. 😂You are such a teacher - it is not fail or pass . . . it is continually growing every moment in Him. Even though the pressures of work were heavy on you this morning, the Spirit is tugging at your heart. Continue to desire, seek & include Him (even as you drive to work). ❤️ “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3:22-23
      2. Desiring God, hearing the Spirit’s reminding, seeking Family support; sounds a lot more like a disciple’s heart than a failed morning I pray our Father gives you strength, patience, and joy today as you meet all your new students and families
    2. Here is the prayer wheel picture I used during class this past Sunday
      1. This morning’s class definitely tugged at my heart. I have been a Christian close to 50 years and it is still a very powerful lesson to be reminded of the importance of His Word in my life as the means to truly KNOW my God and continually grow closer in my relationship with Him! For those that were not able to be there today, Derek said we will be talking about the discipline of Prayer next week!
        1. Welcome to our new group for Sunday school. We can post topics for study through the week, pose questions to the group, and share thoughts for continued discussion.