• Welcome! This is a group for Logos Bible Software users to discuss Bible Browser: get help, share tips, make suggestions, etc.
  • Is there an issue with the bible browser? It doesn't seem to work for me.
    1. nevermind. it was my error. working now.
  • Why isn't it possible to choose a Bible Search in all of the NT or OT? There does not seem to be that option.
    1. So does anybody use this group? If so, I have a question about using the information from Intertext>Relationship>Allusion Say I were to Filter to New Testament: Revelation + Relationship: Allusion + Source: Isaiah and I come across pericope's were I'm not recognizing the allusion to Isaiah in Revelation ...what is the next step? Is there another dataset that shows the actual allusion? OR do I just start searching Isaiah for the terms in that verse from Revelation?