Logos Pro (early access) Beta Features
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- Since you have already joined this group, all you need to do is type "set update channel to beta" in the command box in Logos. Read the warnings at https://community.logos.com/discussion/223736/important-beta-testing-information-warnings?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=join+leave+desktop+beta first.
- thank you
- Not sure where to put this but I wanted to give feedback about the AI usage credit icon (that I call the AI-O-Meter) in v38. My test account currently has no features that use AI. I don't have the translation tool, no summarization or smart search, no synopsis, no Sermon/Homily Builder or Bible Study Builder, etc. So the icon is just sitting there on my toolbar serving no purpose except to tell me that I've used 0% of my AI credits. So my feedback is, does it make sense to have that icon showing for everyone without the ability to remove or hide it regardless of whether they have AI features or not? I would say no. This icon should be hidable. Adam Borries (Logos)
- Wrong place, Kiyah I suggest you post in the new Beta Forum > Desktop App. I note that my Free Edition, Logos v38 beta 3, also has none of the features you (correctly) describe but has no AI Credit icon. My subscription account does have the AI Credit icon.
- Adam answered my question in the Logos group. I posted this here and in the Logos Faithlife group because the forums were still being migrated at the time I posted this.
- I like the clarity of the new dynamic toolbar. However, it's a little off-putting that it takes so many clicks to turn on and off the interlinear view. Is there a keyboard shortcut for doing that? In general, will there be an easy way to see all the keyboard shortcuts that are available?
- A keyboard shortcut for toggling the interlinear view is on its way in the next version (38). There is a list of keyboard shortcuts, (check help for keyboard short cuts) to see the shortcut to toggle the interlinear pane view for your OS.
- If you are a follower of this group you should have access to BSB via the Logos Desktop Beta forum and testing Logos 37 beta.
- Dave, where do I find the Desktop Beta Forum and testing Logos 37 beta?
- We used to have an "All Search", giving you a "menu" about a topic, word, idea, etc.. Now with Logos Pro we have "All Search" giving you a result from AI. Why we cannot have the choice to maintain also the previous "All Search", in the same way it has been done with "Books Search"?
- If you enter a search with "precise syntax" - such as "grace AND truth" - you will see the original behaviour
Logos Pro Early Access
During our Logos Pro Early Access cycle please use our Logos Desktop Beta forum and Logos Mobile Beta forum for any feedback, questions, or bug reports.
We appreciate all the time and feedback you provide during this beta period.