Logos Factbook
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss Factbook.
Follow- Hi Everyone, I tried to get the page number from the Fackbook article about "church" for my writing. Do you know how to read the page number in Logos Bible Study Factbook? Please help me.
- Page numbers are not available in the Factbook tool itself. But you can open the article in the book that it came from (either click the blue link at the top of the article (or the "Read more" button at the end (assuming you are talking about the key article. That will open the book containing the article and you can get page numbers from that - assuming it has page numbers which not all Logos books do. Which book is the article from that you are interested in?
- How do I change the factbook settings? When I'm using my Bible and have my interlinear enabled, and I want to click on a word to find the Hebrew/Greek word, it automatically kicks me over to the factbook window. It's incredibly annoying.
- Hi, Scott. I can't think of any links from the interlinear to Factbook. I'm guessing this is actually caused by the "Factbook Tags" in your Bible, usually on people and places. You can turn that off with the Factbook button on your Bible's toolbar.
- Hello I would like to know if it is possible that the Facebook could only show the entrances related to our current library without bringing up books we don't have. It is kind annoying to see references to books we don't have, or we have to buy. At least please build a toggle option to see if you want to see references to your current library only. Thank you.
- When i click on certain words in the NT the factbook overrides the ability for my BDAG lexicon to search the word...how do you remove factbook, I dont want it
- Michael Rossmann, the Factbook visual filter is a split button, where the left half of the button toggles the filter on/off and the right half of the button allows you to customize the button's settings. So you should just need to click on the book icon with the checkmark in it to turn it on or off. Does that not work for you?
- Thanks, that Factbook thing is horribly annoying.
- I agree, the Factbook is an annoying, useless impediment to study. I just want to look up my words in my lexicons with a simple click like I used to be able to.
- Why does the quick menu (or the factbook entry) to a PLACE, for example Thessalonica, not contain a link to the ATLAS?
- Koos de Lijster thanks for point this out. It's a bug: you'll see there are Atlas maps here: https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Thessalonians_Place . We'll get this straightened out.
- In reference to the factbook information regarding Mt. Hor. The factbook states the following. "Mount Hor is only referenced in Scripture in the account of Aaron’s death." However I read with interest it is also referenced in Numbers 34:7-8 concerning the borders of the promised land. Respectfully submitted as a grateful user of the availability of the factbook.
- Ron White thanks for this feedback. The sentence you quoted actually comes from the Lexham Bible Dictionary (https://ref.ly/logosres/lbd?hw=Hor+of+Edom%2c+Mount). I'll pass along your comment to that team.
- In the Cultural Ontology entry on God (clicked from Gen 1:9), the key article includes, under the heading "Creator," three words used to describe God's creative acts. The first one is "separated." It shows the Hebrew as גדל, gdl, Gen 1:4. This is an error. The initial gimel should be a bet, as the verb in 1:4 is hivdil (<bdl). Just sayin'....
- PETER A PETTIT I'm not quite sure how to reproduce what you're seeing. Are you looking at the Factbook article on Creation (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.*creationepisode), with Key Article from the Lexham Bible Dictionary (https://ref.ly/logosres/lbd?hw=Creation)?
- I am using the dark theme on LOGOS because I can see this better than the white screen theme. When looking for the Factbook underlined hyperlinks in my source text the blue lines are too dark to see easily. Could you lighten up these underlines when using the dark theme? There may be other symbols that need to be lighted up for display in dark mode but I am hesitant to go thru them all and provide you with a long list of them. I am willing but it might not be helpful.