Excellent version for use with those who have English as a second or other language. Examples from my experience include high praise by Church adherents with Iranian and Sri Lankan backgrounds.
There are some truly excellent commentaries in this series. It is for me, most often, a must read when embarking upon study. Great in the Gospels and Genesis, plus some of the lesser-studied books.
One of my favourite books ever, it is great to have it in digital form. Deeply disciplined insights into living faithfully in truly challenging and troubling circumstances.
Most often, this is my first port of call in the study of a Bible passage. Frequently it contains more information than I can take in or use. 'Thorough' is the best word for this series, with only a couple of exceptions.
As a Christian scholar and preacher, this is one I've recently started to check-in with and to compare with well-known Christian commentaries. It helps me, at least a little, to stand in another's shoes and do some perspective-taking.