Staff Pastor- Emeritus • Connection Point - Vacaville, CA
- I love the Logos program and I've been here since the libronix days. I am curious "Where" all these public domain, cheap, convertible to logos compatibility and searching might be located. My personal email address is resarge@yahoo.com if you would like to keep your response confidential. If it takes a half hour to convert each book and proof it for errors, then it's a whole lot more practical to me and my time to pay the people who know how to do it right. Just sayin'.....I am curious though about where the repository of these public domain books can be found. I am sure there are books there that catch my interest that doesn't fit Logos' plan.
- The ones that are available free online are located all over the internet. There is no one place to get them. And Logos have gone to the trouble of formatting them nicely to be read in e-readers. Most free online book are HTML websites. Not very easy on the eyes. This magical repository doesn't exist. You can go to archive.org, but you will be reading PDF scans. Again, not very nice to read online. But doable.