- My last review was deleted. I think I ask questions that need to be address. Why has logos not responded to any of the comments posted here about this bible translation? They are two(2) to four(4) years old with no Logos response. Next question, Does logos not care about my money? You can see how much I have spent in the last few years. You can look into the future and see how much I will not be spending if I am continued to be treated with a lack of Brotherly Christian respect.
- Hello! Product reviews are meant to be about the content of the resource, per our review guidelines: We would be happy to answer your questions though! Please email us at and we can certainly discuss this further.
- I cant because it is not in my library. I also purchased the early copy of Angels by Dr. Hiser and it is not in my library also. Would you please change the way you do business and when a purchase is made and we receive an e-mail thanking us for our purchase, would you please include a DOWNLOAD link. Then we will know it has appeared in our library. Thanks
- We are very sorry this item is not in your library yet. We have a few possible solutions at our support page listed below. If the item is still missing please let us know or email us at