• Fangreatastic resource for research and study of getting to know the early Church Theologians that had the privilege of knowing and learning from those who walked with, talked with, journeyed with, argued with, laughed with, joked with the King, and Lord we hope expectantly to return for us and to cease the last vestiges of Satan the Serpent-king's hate-fueled Empire of Sin. We are of a generation of blessed fortune to be able to learn from these same men and women. And we need to learn from them.... desperately and heartbreakingly so. We are living in a time period of a Church, especially the American Church, where traditions replace the teachings taught by our Lord and by those Jesus personally chose to unpack His purpose and doctrines in written words. We need... I definitely know I need to learn from them so I can know what He wants me to know to fulfill my part in the Great Commission.
    1. Well worth getting for your Logos Library and essential to unpack many misunderstood and unbiblical teachings about these subjects.
      1. I am not sure how, but somehow I was not familiar with Dr. Heiser's books and works. But sometime in early 2018 I finally did so and I am very grateful the Lord has directed me to be able to do so. I have listened or watched almost all of his Naked Bible Podcasts and Youtube videos on a huge variety of subjects. I have read many of his articles and have almost a complete collection of his books on my Kindle. And I am getting ready to add a couple of his books to my Logos library so I can do a more in depth study with them. I hope you consider writing a book about the Ancient Hebrew and the 2nd Temple Period with the 1st Century Period Hebrew mindset and way of thinking. I have watched your video about it and it only had me hoping for more information about it and how to obtain it. Discovery of your works has opened up and made more real the supernatural realm of the Bible in my reading and in my life. It has brought an aspect of my life and of following Jesus, our Lord that I did not know I was missing out on. It is almost like a perpetual adrenaline rush about life in the Kingdom of Heaven currently and has deepened the knowing of our future in the Kingdom of Heaven. Being an artist, it has also given a burst of inspiration to figure out how I can use my gifts of comic book illustration to share the same excitement of this new found knowledge I have gained from the now discovery of this supernatural realm. Seeing my younger brother with a book in his hand to read is almost as unlikely as hunting the ever elusive animal... the snipe. But I got him to try "The Facade" and he was hooked; finishing it rather quickly and then finishing "The Portent" I think even quicker. And in what I would deem a miracle, he is currently reading 'Reversing Hermon". his first theological book, LoL. I hope the Lord in His providence will give me the chance to meet Dr. Heiser at some point. To let him know how much his work has helped me in understanding the Bible in ways I had not known about, i.e. , the Divine Council, etc. It has really opened a lot of misunderstood and mysterious Biblical passages and themes for me. And has opened up many conversations between my younger brother and myself as well. If you happen by chance to come across this comment, Dr. Heiser... Thank you for all of your intensive and creative work and I and my brother look forward to new works that you tackle in the future. I am very thankful that the Lord directed me to your scholarship. May the Lord continue to bless you, Miko
        1. I am not sure how, but somehow I was not familiar with Dr. Heiser's books and works. But sometime in early 2018 I finally did so and I am very grateful the Lord has directed me to be able to do so. I have listened or watched almost all of his Naked Bible Podcasts and Youtube videos on a huge variety of subjects. I have read many of his articles and have almost a complete collection of his books on my Kindle. And I am getting ready to add a couple of his books to my Logos library so I can do a more in depth study with them. I hope you consider writing a book about the Ancient Hebrew and the 2nd Temple Period with the 1st Century Period Hebrew mindset and way of thinking. I have watched your video about it and it only had me hoping for more information about it and how to obtain it. Discovery of your works has opened up and made more real the supernatural realm of the Bible in my reading and in my life. It has brought an aspect of my life and of following Jesus, our Lord that I did not know I was missing out on. It is almost like a perpetual adrenaline rush about life in the Kingdom of Heaven currently and has deepened the knowing of our future in the Kingdom of Heaven. Being an artist, it has also given a burst of inspiration to figure out how I can use my gifts of comic book illustration to share the same excitement of this new found knowledge I have gained from the now discovery of this supernatural realm. Seeing my younger brother with a book in his hand to read is almost as unlikely as hunting the ever elusive animal... the snipe. But I got him to try "The Facade" and he was hooked; finishing it rather quickly and then finishing "The Portent" I think even quicker. And in what I would deem a miracle, he is currently reading 'Reversing Hermon". his first theological book, LoL. I hope the Lord in His providence will give me the chance to meet Dr. Heiser at some point. To let him know how much his work has helped me in understanding the Bible in ways I had not known about, i.e. , the Divine Council, etc. It has really opened a lot of misunderstood and mysterious Biblical passages and themes for me. And has opened up many conversations between my younger brother and myself as well. If you happen by chance to come across this comment, Dr. Heiser... Thank you for all of your intensive and creative work and I and my brother look forward to new works that you tackle in the future. I am very thankful that the Lord directed me to your scholarship. May the Lord continue to bless you, Miko