Nathan Morales
- I'm making this review on the revised version of this book. This book is one of my favorite commentaries because of how unique it is. I think this book is a must when studying Revelation because he shows commentators of all 4 of these views making their case. Another good thing about this book is after reading it you can then go further and study the books he quotes from. And another thing is you will now be aware that your view isn't the only view, especially today when the futurist view seems to be so popular. You'll be familiar with the other views even if you don't hold to them. I've recommended this book to several of my friends who come from a dispensational background. When reading this commentary, be open, be willing to understand the points these commentators are making and see which one makes the best case biblically.
- Thanks for this review. Given there is this revised edition (not available from Logos as yet) I won't be purchasing this original edition.
- This is the best commentary on Matthew that I've read. France breaks down the passages very well and clear. He breaks down Matthew 24 from a preterist and amill point of view, he breaks down the whole gospel from a New Covenant Theology view, and even makes a few points on conditional immortality. This is a book I'll be going back to through out the years. I would also recommend getting RT France's other book "Matthew Evangelist and Teacher" that's like 300 plus page introduction into Matthew. Also his Luke commentary a well. I wish he had more books.
- His NIGTC commentary on Mark is also good!