- I've just gone through the Lexham guides for: Gen 1-11, Philemon, & 1 Timothy, using them as a basis for Bible study. I also used the Galatians and Philippians guides for essays. The value in these resources is that they act a bit like a lecturer, highlighting the main areas of contention, clearly discussing the different arguments, then pointing you towards further reading for in-depth understanding enabling you to make your own mind up. Finally it then offers some pre-liminary summarymaterial, bringing together the whole. Can you do this with a commentary?...Yes, but you then have to do the hard work of researching different views, then following up with those other commentaries/points of view. The Bible guides do thisfor you, and more they link you to word studies, bible dictionaries articles, scholarly work other than commentaries etc. Equally they summarise the points of view of commentators even if you don't own those resources. Personally I have found them incredibly valuable for both private study, discipleship, sermon prep, and essays. I would love them to be cheaper but the direct comparison with a commentary is not accurate. Only you can decide if what they offer is worth the money, I think they are.