• I'd love to say that this feature is wonderful. However, I cannot. I purchased two different upgrades in which it is supposedly a part of, only to try to open it in Logos to be told I do not have a license to view this book. I was excited to see that this feature was available at all. Now however, I feel like I was misled. So, I cannot say whether this feature is available or not. But I can say it is not available in the Broze Feature upgrade or the Preaching Suite upgrade which it is marketed as being available in.
    1. I am sorry to hear that this has been your experience, I can confirm that this tool should already be available to you, based on the purchases you have made, and that other users who own Bronze or Preaching Suite upgrade are able to use it. This article has detailed information about how to make use of this tool. If you need further help with this, please contact us at 800-875-6467 or at customerservice@faithlife.com. https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017978492-Sentence-Diagram
    2. Unfortunately, I'm having the same issue.
    3. Me as well.