• I wish some of these authors had warnings attached somehow! Some readers might not have any idea how controversial Barth's works are to some. A quick look over the above content made me think Calvinist and Reformed; and I highly doubt that. Barth regarded the Bible not as "the actual revelation of God" but as only "the record of that revelation." I can't stress the importance of knowing "who" the author is, if you read a book like the one Logos is so generously offering for free.
    1. Barth was definitely Calvinist and Reformed, but you're right in saying that he rejected the notion of Biblical Inerrancy and, instead, believed that Christ *is* the Word of God. I'm not so sure that theory completely flies even in Protestant circles.
    2. Thank you for your warning, almost buy all your dogmatics.
  • My preference would be The Century Dictionary versus this; but it looks like they may release this first. Anyone that sees this comment and has experience with the 12 volume The Century Dictionary please leave some feedback.
    1. I don't know the Century Dictionary at all. Could you provide me some more detail? (I can only see a multi-volume English dictionary under this title.)
    2. C'mon folks - it's about time to hasten this product somehow (without a savage price hike) - we've (I've) been hanging on since you mistakenly claimed the bidding was 'complete' at $15 - and then backpedalled, although guaranteeing previous bidders their bid price at that level. How about a bundle with the full Expositors Bible (the Nicoll one!) Suggested starting price of $130?
    3. PauljOK1, re The Century Dictionary, I am very hopeful that will be released before too long. I have owned a set of the abridged two volume New Century Dictionary for over thirty years and regularly consult it. The full 12 volume Century Dictionary is available in public domain on-line and opens quite nicely in Adobe .pdf format -but to have it searchable, linked, indexed in Logos will be fantastic.
  • Obviously, if you research how this version was created, it is a good accurate English bible and great to have for deeper study. I started with NIV and have used it for over a decade, so I still have trouble getting used to it as far as readability is concerned.
    1. Wonderful book to read if the school of hard knocks is getting you down and you need a boost of happiness. Plus it is by MacArthur so you can be sure it is biblically solid.
      1. It's MacArthur, need I say more. Well OK, very solid biblical book and written very well and to the point without fluff. Even if you have no worries, use this to help gain insight.