- I wish some of these authors had warnings attached somehow! Some readers might not have any idea how controversial Barth's works are to some. A quick look over the above content made me think Calvinist and Reformed; and I highly doubt that. Barth regarded the Bible not as "the actual revelation of God" but as only "the record of that revelation." I can't stress the importance of knowing "who" the author is, if you read a book like the one Logos is so generously offering for free.
- Barth was definitely Calvinist and Reformed, but you're right in saying that he rejected the notion of Biblical Inerrancy and, instead, believed that Christ *is* the Word of God. I'm not so sure that theory completely flies even in Protestant circles.
- Thank you for your warning, almost buy all your dogmatics.
- My preference would be The Century Dictionary versus this; but it looks like they may release this first. Anyone that sees this comment and has experience with the 12 volume The Century Dictionary please leave some feedback.
- I don't know the Century Dictionary at all. Could you provide me some more detail? (I can only see a multi-volume English dictionary under this title.)
- C'mon folks - it's about time to hasten this product somehow (without a savage price hike) - we've (I've) been hanging on since you mistakenly claimed the bidding was 'complete' at $15 - and then backpedalled, although guaranteeing previous bidders their bid price at that level. How about a bundle with the full Expositors Bible (the Nicoll one!) Suggested starting price of $130?
- PauljOK1, re The Century Dictionary, I am very hopeful that will be released before too long. I have owned a set of the abridged two volume New Century Dictionary for over thirty years and regularly consult it. The full 12 volume Century Dictionary is available in public domain on-line and opens quite nicely in Adobe .pdf format -but to have it searchable, linked, indexed in Logos will be fantastic.