- A British bible, that British Logos users are not allowed to buy! Come on Logos, Come on publishers sort this mess out! If you agree say Amen
- I am in Australia and I would like The New Jerusalem Bible but can't get it.
- amen... so many silly restrictions
- yeah...foolish restrictions by the worshippers or Mercury, the god of liers, MERCHANTS and thieves........
- An outstanding translation . A pioneering dynamic equivalent translation that is not bound by tradition and rich in the English language. A good alternative/ comparison Bible
- Ken, There are probably dozens of Bible translations which include "revised" somewhere in their title. But there is only one translation which has the title "Revised English Bible," which is what I wrote about. That is the updated version of the NEB. You would have seen that if you followed the Amazon link I posted.
- Yes Sir! (Permission to fall out andf dissolve into a little quivering heap please?) Bruce, I was all set to retort to your comment with a number of obvious responses but can see no point to it; it's not very edifying to have an argument over these pages. Instead, may I just wish you well and say that if you want that version, I trust that you find much joy in it. Take care, Ken
- Bruce, If it helps at all, I have just discovered that the Revised English Bible with Apocrypha is under development by Logos at the current (23:10:12) price of $24.95 US, (£15.65 GB). The one shown on Amazon states it is published by Oxford University Press. However, if you click on the words 'Cambridge University Press' in the window at the top of this page, it is a link which will take you to all of the Cambridge University Press publications done by Logos and you will discover it towards the very end. Kind regards, Ken.