- I really enjoy using "Oxyrhynchus Papyri (vols. 1–15)" because BDAG has many useful links to it. In-depth research of how a word was used in daily transactional contexts can shed tremendous light on subtitle nuances in linguistic peculiarities. Each article in this resource has a nice back-ground introduction with helpful information on each document. The information is followed by the text of the artifact in searchable Greek format as expected. Following the Greek text, there is a very good English translation directly below the Greek text. I have the Duke Databank installed and have used it with wonderful results; especially with the Logos AI "Summarize" feature. However, some of the links in BDAG didn't connect to the POxy resource listing before buying this package. After purchasing this, ALL the links work! Hopefully Logos will improve the subscription translation feature for Greek in the future. For the time being, Google Translate will get you "close enough" for the Duke Databank resources if you are rusty on Greek and want a second opinion. Clicking on a Greek word, takes me to one of the Greek Analytical lexicons that I purchased. That separate resource, not included in this package, tells me the morphological information if needed as well as the root word. From the articles that I have read in this resource, the English translation is better than Google is capable of right now. I am very pleased with my purchase.
- As stated in the description, this is a monumental effort of the Orthodox Churches to preserve the existing New Testament scriptures while referencing the large number of manuscripts and lectionaries housed at the very significant libraries at Mount Athos and Constantinople. The intrinsic value of this text is to understand fully the vast number of manuscripts that were available to those compiling this work. Regardless of one’s views as to which text is the “oldest and best,” it is important that each person has the means and tools to approach the text of the Holy Scriptures with faith and an honest desire to learn. Just like a hand has opposing digits, it is important to have opposing texts in a Logos library to allow greater dexterity in language studies. I can definitely recommend this work.