Hey, Dr. Wiersbe - It's Bruce Andree. Do you remember me? Since the Calvary Baptist days, I have been CFO at Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary (Cornerstone University) for sixteen years, administrator at MBI for two years, CFO at Bryan College for one year, and Business Manager at John Brown University for fifteen years. I retired in 2005. You started me on this path by giving me a great recommendation to GRBC&S. I have followed your ministry from afar down through the years. I have two kids (you knew them both - Dean and Stacy). Stacy is a missionary with IMB in Nazareth, Israel. Dean is a salesman in the Dallas area, where we now live. The greatest three years of my church life were the three years you were my pastor. My email is bandree25@gmail.com, in case you would like to respond.