November's six FREE books have arrived (I'm glad they're still doing this with all the other changes):
1) Logos: "Philippians (The Crossway Classic Commentaries | CCC)" by Joseph Barber Lightfoot
2) Faithlife (as posted earlier): "In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World" by Jake Meador and Timothy Keller
3) Verbum: "The Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus Against the Heresies" by John Saward
4) Audiobook: "Hearts of Fire 2: Twelve inspiring stories of costly faith from today’s persecuted Christians (audio)" by The Voice Of The Martyrs
5) Spanish: "Sanidad divina, ¿Realiza Dios milagros hoy?" por R. A. Torrey
6) German (audiobook): "Christus – die Weisheit, Gerechtigkeit, Heiligung und Erlösung der Gläubigen (Hörbuch)" von George Whitefield
- #1 seems to be only $2.00 off for me when I click it. Maybe it was free in the beginning of November?
- Chris Rodgers yes, it was free only in the beginning of the month. Logos free-books-of-the-month work this way since some time now, we get one for the first half of the month and another one free for the second half of the month.
- good to know, thanks! I never knew that.