F-260 Job 40 & 41
After being reminded of the holiness and power of God, Job could do nothing but confess his sins, turn back to God, renew his trust in the Lord. He, “I repent in dust and ashes.” In the face of God’s holiness, we are reminded that apart from Him, we are nothing but dust from the ground, and to the ground we will return (Genesis 2:7). Yet through Job’s experience we are reminded that God gives physical life through His very breath, and He gives spiritual life through the death and resurrection of His son. These are gifts that we do not deserve, and they motivate us to mimic Job’s life of confession and repentance, continually stripping away the things that keep us from trusting God in all things.
What did God challenge Job to do? (40:1-2)
How did Job respond to God’s challenge? (40:4-5)
What did God say Job must do before God would admit that Job could save himself? (40:6-14)
What did God say about the behemoth? (40:15-24)
Why was Job unable to defend himself?
If you were Job, how do you think you would have responded to the opportunity to present your case to God?
If you were Job, what questions would you have asked God?
Why did God tell Job to look at the behemoth and leviathan?