• Please pray.

    I am bringing up Felicity‘s physical therapist, Stephanie‘s mom, Diane. I was just catching up with her again yesterday and heard that her mom is not doing well. They are going to be coming home from the hospital after a time of being admitted and will probably have to start aggressive radiation. So if we can, please lift them all up in prayers again would be greatly appreciated!
    1.  — Edited

      Please pray.

      Please pray that Janice's daughter's boss gives Jenna understanding & grace.
      1. Please pray.

        Please pray for the Gorman family as David was killed in a car accident on Sunday evening
        1. Please pray.

          Please be in prayer for the Gorman family, their son David died in a car accident Sunday evening.
          1. Please pray.

            Please pray for Felicity‘s physical therapists, mom and family. Found out that she has stage four pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. They will be starting treatment this week OK spots for treatment. We need to please be praying for healing and peace during this time. Her physical therapist Mom name is Diane.
            1. Praying
            2. So sad, will be praying for her & the family!
          2. Please pray.

            please continue praying for Amy, her lukemia did not come back she is having a phycotic breakdown I spoke to her daughter so please pray for her as well such a mess... thank you
            1. Please pray.

              Jed has decided to stay the night at a pastor's home in Colorado. He will be hitting the road for the 14 hour drive early Thursday morning. Thank you for your prayers.
              1. Please pray.

                Please pray for our foster daughter Colette as her older sister Amy's leukemia has returned in her brain it looks bad
                1. Please pray.

                  Please pray for Pat as she is in the hospital in Rochelle her heart rhythms were all messed up, she will see a cardiologist tomorrow so praying for some answers
                  1. Prayers for Pat.
                  2. Update - Pat is now home and resting thank you for all the prayers
                2. Please pray.

                  Please be in prayer for Pastor Farrel Stauffer. He is getting a blood transfusion then being taken to St Anthony's in Rockford where he will have an emergency port put in so they can start dialysis because his kidneys are pretty much shutting down. He is our former pastor and friend from Ashton Bible Church and our daughter's father-in-law.