• Please pray.

    Mike went to the ER, this flu is really working him over and he is having a hard time breathing.
    1. Please pray.

      From Loretta Swed, "Can you please pray for my daughter-in-law Maddie and her family? Maddie’s dad Jeff passed out this morning and taken to the hospital by ambulance. They did a scan and found that his has a dissected aorta. He is being airlifted to Iowa City for emergency surgery. We have to go to Moline today for a memorial service for my aunt so we may head on to Iowa City so not totally sure if we will be back tonight or not.
      1. Update on Jeff: surgery went well and repair the Dissected aorta. He did have some blood around the heart that they had to clean up. The surgeon said from what he saw, Jeff had this happen before about 6 months ago. He also said that he had about a 50/50 chances of even making it to the hospital, so we know God’s hand was upon him. He will get the breathing tube out this morning. Be in ISU for 3 days and will be able to come home in a week. He still isn’t completely out of the woods so please pray that everything will remain stable for the heart and aorta.
      2. Prayers for complete healing
    2. Please pray.

      For Konnie Musson ( we prayed for survivor guilt and CA a few weeks ago) had bad fall a few days before Christmas. 9 days in hospital. Now at home. Broken leg,orbits,cheecks, chin and nose. Laid on floor for 5 hours before getting help. Will need several operations on face and at least 2 on leg. Please post what you think is relevant. She just needs prayers.
      1. Please pray.

        Janis Digiulio has an unspoken.
        1. Please pray.

          Gary Rachas attended church with us briefly. His sister asked me to have the church pray for him. He was placed on hospice care. I don't know any additional details.
          1.  — Edited

            Gary has cancer through out his body.
          2. Gary Rachas went to be with the Lord today. Please pray for the Rachas family.
        2. Please pray.

          Please pray for Aaron‘s mom, Dagmar. She developed shingles and the antivirals do not seem to be helping yet.
          1. Pray she feels better soon
          2. I know how you feel. Thanks for the card. I will pray for you.
        3. Please pray.

          Jack's friend, Mike, passed away at 4:18 this morning. Please pray for Jack as he grieves the loss of his friend.
          1. Please pray.

            Please keep Anna in your prayers. I took her to the doctor today and it seems she has a concussion from the car accident. Her mental processing and balance are affected. Please pray for her brain to rest and heal.
            1. Is there any feedback on Anna’s doctor visit from the Saturday accident? She’s still in my prayers!
            2. Thank you all for praying! No feedback yet, her follow up is on Monday. Her balance and mental processing are improving, but headaches remain. She needs time for her brain to rest and heal but I am encouraged. God is merciful and He is good!
            3. Continued prayers for healing
          2. Please pray.

            From Chip Flagg I just received a call from a longtime friend's wife that Don had a heart episode after everyone left their house last night. They found Don in the hallway not breathing or heart beat. He is in the hospital satiated and might have brain damage. Don is a believer in Jesus Christ.
            1. Hi PPBC, this is a update on Don. They are not sure why his heart stopped, but they put in a pacemaker. Don came home today and will followup with the doctors this week. He thanks all who held him up in prayers.
          3. Please pray.

            We received this from Debra Glenn. Good morning, I would like to ask you to please keep my dad in prayer he is in the hospital in Puntarenas Costa Rica, and they think that he had a heart attack. Thanks
            1. Praise the Lord Debra Glenn's father is okay and has been released from the hospital.