Precept Upon Precept Philippians Study
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- There is no study group in Cody or Powell, Wyoming, where I just moved. Please pray that changes. It will be a while before I am known for sound Bible doctrine here and am able to start a group.
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- Thanks for sharing! ,sprunki scratch,sprunki phase 5 are popular games to create mixes
- Did you know that you can use Microsoft Word for inductive Bible Study? Grant it, it is much easier with Logos or a box of pencils. I use this when I am away from my home computer. Part of what I am teaching at Reidville First's - Man Church group is how to study the Bible in this manner.
- Rev Charlene E. Hios - my apologies for not replying sooner. If you are doing this in MS Word, as pictured above, then it will print without any problems. If however, you are doing this is LOGOS you will have to out smart it. One way is to use the Windows Snipping Tool where you copy the page as an image. In LOGOS, you can click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right hand corner and choose the print/export option. You have to choose print after that. Unfortunately it will print in a two column format. See attached picture. If you export or copy/paste to Word you lose all your markings. Hope this helps.
- Dearest R Allen Sr Your reply was worth the wait . . . I look forward to attempting this next week. Thanks, blessings Charlene <><
- Interesting article! It helped me to understand a little bit about such a complex subject as religious studies in college. I am writing a research paper where I am studying similar methods of notation and anything else that can be useful in studying and learning about religions. My paper has to pass a plagiarism check and I use for these tasks. If my work does not pass the check, I will have to rewrite everything again. Maybe someone else here is studying religious studies in college and I think this service will be useful for you when writing your papers.
- It has been nine weeks of rich Bible study with you! Be sure to get your free gift from Precept Ministries!
- I am interested in inductive bible study. Is there how do I log in?
- I don’t think you can access the course. Go to the logos store and search for Arthur. There is a book on inductive study that you can start with for your personal study😌
- God’s answer for relationships is an inductive study in logos. It is by Kay. Will lead you to study I & II corinthians inductively 😀
- It has been reported that when Princess Elizabeth received word that her half sister, Queen Mary, had died and now Elizabeth was queen of England (Elizabeth 1), that she fell to her knees and declared, "This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight." Ps 118:23. That would be a natural way to think for this situation. But one of the points of Philippians is to develop that same attitude even when, humanly speaking, we're going thru trial and tribulation. Yesterday was a pressure cooker day at the office (altho I'm certainly not comparing it to what the early church went thru). But it was definitely a day that was prone to grumbling. Trying to practice what I've learned in Philippians, this verse popped to mind. I had reason to say it a lot during the day. I felt both calmed and energized (calmed over the latest calamity and energized to move on with my work, instead of pouring energy into grumbling). I know many people who have a "life verse" from the Bible. It's their go-to verse with the good and the bad events of life. This verse from Psalms is excellent for me. It works in good times and bad--an all-weather verse. So now, growing out of my study of Philippians, I have a life verse that fits like a glove.
- Suffering is something expected in the life of the Christian; Tests our faith, molds our character, and produces beneficial fruits; To bear it with joy is something pleasing to the Lord and rewarded in eternal life.
- James and Ralph: Thanks for the input. As I have mentioned in a discussion, there are categories of unwanted events in life. For some reason, if one does a little research, one will find out that people that are going to be used by God, becomes the target of the devil's fury early on. So are we to manage risk and hazards in a christian manner, or are we to go happy go lucky and accept all? Example: Acts 16:7 And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. Suppose your denomination intends to send you to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus does not allow it, who do you obey? Suppose that based on the command to obey your authorities (referring to legitimate ones), you go, and something bad happens to you or to your team mates, was it God's fault, or was it you that decided to obey men above the Spirit of Jesus? There are many other examples in the Bible, many persons healed in the Bible, were being oppressed by the devil, and Jesus undid the works of the evil one. Spiritual discernment is needed to really know what is truly the will of God, and what is the trap of the devil. How about the parable of the foolish and wise virgins? why did the foolish virgins failed to see the need to have full oil supply (oil as a type of the Holy Spirit), until it was too late? Was it God's will, or was it negligence? If it was negligence, was it because bad doctrine pushed in them, or was it because of laziness? I hope you all can see where I am trying to get with this. Our salvation is free, we cannot do anything to earn our salvation. But once saved, we must strive to be Christlike, to become mature Christians, and Paul and others relate maturity to gift of discernment, to the need of a personal relation with Jesus to really know what is going on in any given situation. Peace and grace.
- Also many times God "tests" his people for their good. Even in Exodus 16:4 when God provided the manna, it was not just a life-preserver for them to survive. Then the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not. - Ex 16:4 ESV
- No matter what suffering comes into our lives I believe Jesus expects us to use our faith to believe Him to take us to victory. The book of Hebrews chapter 11 is full of many different kinds of suffering that comes to God's people but God is faithful to deliver. Some did not accept deliverance. Sometime things don't work out like we want but Paul was clear that we should forget the things behind and press forward to the mark of what God has called us to.
- Hi all, God bless: For power users L7, and workflow enthusiasts: Biblenote to be used with Ms Onenote: Some advantages that I can see: All searchable (does not slow down L7, by keeping notes separate) Mind map like notes possible (being searchable also) Can export to Ms Word (not sure) so that Pbb can be used to do resource. Also another question: does anyone use Nota Bene? if so, how do you integrate it with L7? I got NB through the Fatithlife group, but have not used it. Thanks ahead of time for any input. Peace and grace.
- I cannot access this program. Not sure why???
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- It sure would help if Highlighting had more ways to highlight based on symbols rather than colors for those of us who are colorblind. A fairly common problem for males. There may be ways to do this that I don't know about, but boxes with 3 lines, boxes without the top, boxes without the bottom. thin wavy lines, thick wavy lines. bold type with an underline, are some that come to mind. Also more highlighting using a symbol for "grace," "hope," "faith," "salvation," etc. Icons or simple drawings work FAR better for me than colors. I can distinguish between blue, orange, and yellow by shades more than by colors, but brown & purple are indistinguishable. I would be happy to talk to a Logos tech about this. Thanks
- Screen shot shows "Inductive - Precept" palette with 65 symbols => that can be freely copied after following or joining Faithlife Group "Logos Visual Filters" (did not publish to this group to avoid confusion since Philippians study can be done without this palette). Earlier in forum thread has duplication of "Inductive/Precept" highlighting palette so can customize style(s) as desired. Logos includes 126 images for highlighting customization plus can choose an icon image file.
- Randall - I have made my own pallette, of my symbols, similar to what you are describing. You can create a new palette and name it Randall Inductive Markups (or whatever). Then you can duplicate any of the other styles in other palettes or create your own. Then when you are marking up your bible, you will have all your own styles. Including all the lines, double lines, formats, etc.
- You can also add in any pictures (images) that you have files for around and over the words. You can get as creative as you want by using all of the available editable settings. I have the most fun making ones for different people who are found throughout the scriptures. For me personally symbols are more recognizable than straight highlighting. I have to admit that I am a highlighting geek. The nice thing with logos is that you can turn them on an off at will..If I want something different for a word at a later time, all I have to do is edit the word and it changes through out my bible(s).
- Maravillosa paradojaEste versículo nos muestra la maravillosa paradoja que el Señor obra en la vida de los creyentes. Cuando el sentido común te diría que evites hacer aquello que a otros les ha supuesto ir a prisión, aquí sucede todo lo contrario: cobran ánimo y se atreven a hacer lo que es correcto aún a riesgo de perder su libertad. De repente la escala de valores cambia, pues para el cristiano lo primero es buscar el bien para la obra de Dios, y no el bien para sí mismos. Y además lo hacen sin temor!!! Ya no temen a los que solo pueden atentar contra tu cuerpo, pues saben que sus almas están guardadas en buenas manos.Philippians 1:14Santa Biblia: La Biblia TextualY la mayoría de los hermanos en el Señor, cobrando ánimo con mis prisiones, se atreven a hablar con denuedo la Palabra sin temor.