- --Decent for a one-volume commentary. It's a good place to start your studies, and doesn't shy away from difficult passages. At today's sale price, it's a sweet deal.
- Is it dispensational? What's the difference between this commentary and the Bible Knowledge Commentary, please? Thank You
- Yes, it is dispensational.
- Can I get this at a dynamic price in my previously purchased set of Christ Centered Exposition commentaries, or has that option been eliminated nowadays?
- Over the years, we have often been able to update collections so that users can benefit from gaining new volumes at a dynamic discount in the updated set. Typically this does not happen as soon as a new volume is released. Our ability to do that depends on the agreement with the publisher, so this has always been handled on a case-by-case basis. But we have not done away with the practice.
- "Essays on Women in Earliest Christianity" is edited by Carroll Osburn. As I understand it, Carroll produced these volumes according to his Egalitarian viewpoint. This means Carroll thinks passages like Galatians 3:28 establish that gender and role distinctions between women and men should be removed in the church. Since in these volumes, Caroll does not seem to recognize that Christ serves as the ultimate and eternal example of the fact that equality in your position (He is equal to God) doesn't eliminate the need for roles of submission between equals (Jesus always voluntarily subjects Himself to the will of the Father), or that Paul (1 Timothy 2:11-15) specifically based the prohibition of women teaching or exercising authority over a man on God's timeless design and order in creation as well as Eve's role in the fall (not on contemporary circumstances), I cannot endorse the editorial decisions Carroll made in publishing these volumes.