Bob Burns
- I have been using the Lexham English Septuagint on the Logos platform for years and it is my favorite edition of the LXX in English. I excited about the up-coming print edition of the Lexham English Septuagint. I have been disappointed for years about the lack of a print edition. I believe the Lexham English Septuagint (LES) has the potential to eclipse the outdated Brenton Septuagint, as well as the overly academic NETS Septuagint in the popular market. The Lexham English Septuagint has the potential to fill a crying need in the market for an English edition of the LXX for a popular audience.
— Edited
Speaking of a New Testament to go with the L.E.S., I hope FaithLife sees the grand opportunity they have to be able to publish a complete Bible based entirely on Greek sources! They have them already in digital form! Bind the LES together with the Lexham English Bible New Testament and voila! I believe it may be the first ever complete English Bible based entirely on Greek sources made available to the general public.- Nathon, most translators unfortunately give priority to the Masoretic Text since it's the "official" version safeguarded by Talmudic Judaism, but as Margaret Barker and others have shown, this has been intentionally corrupted to "erase" things that sound too much like Jesus. The LXX and DSS are great resources for recovering this material. The NASB often mentions variants in the text itself, which is helpful. However, the OT quotes as we find them in the NT tend to follow the LXX much more than the MT further strengthening the notion that Christians should look to this first.