- Learned many new things about Jean Calvin and his theology. He was a man with a brilliant mind that shaped much of history as we know it now. By listening to this audio, Calvin seemed much softer, than how I imagined him through his sermons, commentaries and other sources. Sometimes, I think that the author made Calvin fit more in our time, by putting more emphasis on certain things Calvin said and by letting out or diminishing others. Still, this audio is worth to listen to as Jean Calvin is maybe today maybe more relevant than ever.
- For some parts, an interesting book. Certain theological statements I find difficult to understand and accept as I have a different background than the Catholic faith. Still, it is important to dive deep into their thoughts and understand their faith. Often, I notice a false bias towards Catholic theology and simplistic, untrue statements, which I dislike. Another point is that specific parts were a bit uninteresting for me.