Ryan Stolba
- I don't feel like the beloved Heiser has ever spent enough time justifying his supposition that circumcision is a perfect analogy to baptism. Let's permit that idea for the sake of discussion. Circumcision was inclusion into the covenant of Moses. If someone was not circumcised they were cut off from God's covenant with Israel. Baptism would then become an identification in Christ and rejection a separation from Christ's covenantal community. Why are these analogies exempted?
- That sounds incredible. Is there anything you would recommend for someone interested in the same?
- Hi Ryan, You are correct, for the most part. But there is some info in S-B that is early enough that it overlaps some of the Apostles. Also, there's a budding 'theory' that the 2nd Temple/NT era 'leaders' were 'proto-rabbinic' in their views. In other words, the rabbis 'glommed onto' some of the political, legal and moral ideas of their 'forefathers' who lived during the NT era, including Jesus and his appointees. So, S-B does have value. You just have to know what you're looking at. Same with George Foot Moore's 'Judaism' set, as well as John Lightfoot (16th century AD). Cheers...Chris