• This isn't a bad resource to have, but it certainly makes me long for a more up-to-date and high quality collection of biblical artwork. Many of these images appear to be crude copies of superior works. Several of the selected images make no attempt at historicity at all, portraying biblical characters in Medieval European clothing. There are some irritating inaccuracies as well. For instance, the picture of Uzziah offering incense appears to show him leaning against the ark of the covenant, but without the angels on top. The similar picture I found though a Google search has him correctly standing before the alter of incense.
    1. Is this collection supposed to include "The Complete Book of When and Where: In the Bible and Throughout History"? That book's cover is shown in the graphic at the top of this page. This looks like a great collection, but it seems incomplete without that volume, since there are so many timeline entries that link to it.
      1. Please accept my apologies, that book is not included. You are correct, that book cover does show in the graphic, I am reporting that to our team for correction.