• Written by liberals who don't believe in an inspired Bible. Not a bad review of the American side of Dispensationalism but not better than Wikipedia. Unfortunately they do not know the Darby/British side of the story. Don't waste your time or money on this unscholarly drivel and terrible theology. One can do better literally anywhere else. Harsh but necessary.
    1. I got through part 2 before abandoning the read. I regret having bought this work. I just don't enjoy reading what others make up as they go along. I felt like I was being pranked by the authors as it is just not credible that someone would publish such nonsense. This book promotes the "genre" of "apocalyptic" as an interpretive tool and it confirmed my suspicion that it is just so much liberal rubbish. It promotes the notion that history was written as prophecy to apparently give its original audience warm fuzzy feelings when things were not going good. That really is just a point of view that makes Scripture dishonest and disingenuous and has been long debunked. It should have been titled: Why Liberal Interpretive Methods Drove Folks to Dispensationalism: How Not To Read the Bible for the End of the World!
      1. This work was designed to be carried along with your Greek New Testament and is compact. It does not make sense as an electronic resource though. There are more comprehensive works which can be had in LOGOS which are more thorough and authoritative and simply a better investment.
        1. There are much better lexicons to invest your money in. This work lacks lexical scholarship. Do not waste money on it.
          1. Edward Andrews scholarship on textual criticism is about 40 years obsolete. Not sure why he thinks his updated ASV has value especially if he is similarly so behind the ball on translation. In any case, his textual base is anything but "updated" and his scholarship was obsolete before the last millennium was. I use the term "scholarship" here very loosely. He won't publish your book if you don't agree with him in his cultic views of textual criticism according to his terms on his web site. This may seem harsh but this one is very strange!
            1. If you want a trustworthy update of the ASV, you will find it in the World English Bible which has corrected the egregious errors of the ASV properly to the historical text of the church (Byzantine Textform). Now there are probably a few dozen updates to the ASV and anyone willing to spend some time on their computer can produce an ASV update. You will be ahead of Ed if you do. You could not do worse. Ed, you are about 40 years out of date! You require anyone that you publish to denounce anything but the critical text and sign a pledge of faithfulness to the old critical text don't you? If I have the details on that wrong, please correct me! Well, it has been 6 months and Ed has not been able to muster an answer! But Ed is absolutely wrong on what is current textual theory. Ed's cultic view, and it is cultic when requiring a nonsense pledge (virtually a mirror of the KJV only position but for the opposite position), is held by NOBODY in the field of textual criticism and has not held it beginning with Kenyon. So Ed, you don't know what you are talking about. But Ed is better at guessing than Kevin below is. I do prefer the TR over the modern critical texts even if it does have a handful of big oopsies. It still represents the historical Greek NT of the historical church while Ed's favorite: you-must-pledge-allegiance-to-critical text pick and choose concocted Frankenstein monster text does not represent any historical manuscript used by the historical church! IN FACT, the preferred manuscripts of Ed's favorite critical text IS BETTER REPRESENTED by the Byzantine Textform (a better choice without the oopsies of the venerable TR). The Byzantine Text is the ONLY recognized TEXTFORM in TC and it is demonstrated to even do a better job of representing the oldest and most corrupt manuscripts and scraps preferred by the ever evolving and changing NA production. It is not preferred by most scholars but it does have respect unlike Ed and each new edition of the NA critical text keeps sneaking in a few more corrections to the Byzantine! Someone once made the joke that if you wait long enough, the NA will become virtually identical to the Byzantine given enough time. But Ed wants you to pledge to the TC fallacies debunked over 40 years ago. So you have to ask yourself, can you even begin to trust the work of someone who makes absolutely absurd demands of anyone who wants to work with him? You would have to be a fool.
            2. While I personally am not a fan of Andrew's translation (because of his usage of the ridiculous Grandville Sharp rule - in which I personally sent him my disagreements and issues) I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "outdated" scholarship. But you do know what's outdated? The concept that the TR and the Byzantine tradition preserves the writings without error. Now if there ever was a funny joke in the world of Biblical textual criticism, this one would definitely take the cake. You have a theological motive - not a real, true critical one. So I would say that you're the last person whom I'd think should be able to criticize anything. Go do your own translation then come back.
            3. Well that is interesting! Exactly what theological motive have you discerned? I have already been told about invisible intents that I have had and supposed rejections and what not. But now it is a theological motive! So pray tell what this said theological motive is and where have I mentioned it? You put words in my mouth: "The concept that the TR and the Byzantine tradition preserves the writings without error." And that is nothing I said. right? There is a name for when someone does that, correct? But whatever you are finding funny, please tell us why the UBS text and the ECM has made some corrections BACK TO BYZANTINE readings? What would really be funny is if we wait long enough and live long enough to see our modern critical editions correct themselves back to the Byzantine and that is the slow trend. Won't that be hilarious when we get there?