• I'm trying to read one of his sermons in volume 2; but it is slow going. I'm sure that what I am reading is English; yet extremely early English. Here's a sample: gospel telliþ how þat Crist savede a womman, and tauȝte his Chirche. Joon seiþ how, Jesus wente into þe hit of Olyvete, and efte in þe grey morewnyng2 he cam aȝen into þe temple. And here we ben tauȝte to preie and þenke on God bifore we prechen. And al þe puple cam to Crist, and he sitting tauȝte hem. And Phariseis and scribis brouȝten a womman, taken in avoutrie, and þei puttiden her in þe myddil, and þei seiden to Crist, Maistir, þis womman is now taken in avoutrie. John Wycliffe, Select English Works of John Wyclif (ed. Thomas Arnold; vol. 2; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1871), 86.
    1. Reading the Wycliffe Bible in the original text is paying off, I can actually read this. The þ sounds like TH (seiþ = seeith, þe = the) and the ȝ is a GH or Y sound (tauȝte = taught, aȝen = again). The rest are the worst case of phonetics ever. Sound them out with a weird accent (Joon seiþ how = John seeith how). Translation: gospel tells how that Christ saved a woman, and taught his Church. John seeith how, Jesus went into the hill of Olivette, and often in the grey morning 2 he came again into the temple. And here we being taught to pray and think on God before we preach. And all the people came to Christ, and he sitting taught him. And Pharisees and scribes brought a woman, taken in avoutrie (adultery), and they put her in the middle, and they said to Christ, Master, this woman is now taken in avoutrie (adultery).
  • While I agree with infant baptism, I disagree with the way this booklet has been advertised."It avoids the baptism debate while graciously presenting the story of God’s faithful provision, protection, and promise of deliverance for his people given through the sign of the covenant." That's just too simplistic - didn't the vast majority of Israelites die in the wilderness in unbelief while their circumcision was not really circumcision of the heart? Most of Europe baptized their babies; but their churches are now museums. Let's have some humility and credibility with the way that we present paedo-baptism. Neither infant circumcision nor infant baptism were/are a saving grace by any stretch of the imagination - grace alone, faith alone, God's Word alone, Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. Not all Israel is Israel - in other words, not all who are outwardly marked as being of Israel are of Israel fully; so also, not all who are outwardly marked as being Christians are Christians fully. However, it is important to be marked. Whether an OT Esau or a NT apostate who was "with us but not of us" - the marking is important, but it is not a grace that saves. That helps to make sense of the apostasy passages in the NT.
    1. I think that I've been loading up on Logos titles for about ten years, now. This is, far and away, the best deal ever! Thank you, Logos!!