Sergio Castrillon
Bible teacher • Comunidad de Gracia Bogotá
- Great progressive dispensational presentation! This is a good representative of the ZECNT series. Some would say it's not as detailed as other Greek commentaries, but I feel satisfied because he focuses on the text rather than others' opinions. The footnotes are full of useful information (mostly on the Greek verbal aspect, a topic Fanning is an expert on).
- Question: does this edition includes the Additional notes published this year? I really want to teach Leviticus in my church so this resource will be rather useful.
- The additional notes are a companion volume released by the same author but using a different publisher. They are not included with this edition.
- The Additional Notes can be purchased on Amazon or downloaded as a free pdf from my site preachandteachthebible.com (go to the Leviticus commentary section to find the link). Blessings! Jay
- This bundle is such an excellent Hebrew grammar. I think the order of topics is more than suitable for a consistent Hebrew learning, and the workbook helps to reinforce every chapter. However, formatting is not the best, most of all the Hebrew words, because they are images that are big or small, making the reading difficult.
- Sin duda se trata de un portento de teología sistemática. No obstante, contiene varios errores ortotipográficos que demuestran descuido en la revisión del texto.
- gracias por informarnos sobre esto. De ser posible, usted puede mandarnos el reporte de estos errores ortotipográficos siguiendo los pasos en este enlace: https://support.logos.com/hc/es/articles/360015575172-Report-Typos-in-Logos
- Holà, pudo hacer el reporte, estoy interesado en saberlo para saber si han sido corregido para comprarlo.