Ashtray NZ
- Yes. Buy this book. Worth every penny! Dr. David Instone-Brewer is a Theologians - theologian. But he's worked hard to make this epic work understandable to amateur theologs like myself. If you follow a John Piper view on 'Divorce and remarriage', Brewer will convincingly reveal to you a much greater and more dynamic understanding on this topic. Brewer tackles issues from Polygyny to woman divorcing men from a first century point of view. I am aware that this book is somewhat older now, and Brewer has other works [Including free research papers] that expand further on issues like poly marriages and life saving divorce etc. I have the paper back version. Best book on this topic I have ever read, and I've read a lot.
- Trying to evaluate Logos 10 Fundamentals is challenging. Note: Trying. I remember as a young guy during the 'Bible Wars' era, when the legacy Christians [Now retired with Jesus] used to walk around with their leather bound 'King Jimmy (or New King Jimmy if you were 'contemporary') while embracing their hard cover 'Strong's Exhaustive Concordance', dropping bombs on those rebellious NIV and NRSV readers who were threatening the old guard with flashy words such as 'proper theology and exegesis'. Rolls eyes! With that memory in mind, here I am with Logos Bible software, Logos 10 Fundamentals [Poverty Pack]. These are my first experiences from a first time users point of view: You will open your software and be greeted by the Logos Help, Advice and Advertising page. After you manage to get rid of this, you will see the Logos software package on your screen looking flash and spiffy. Then if your like me, you will look for the 'quick access to my Bible and a Commentary button, or my Bible and a Lexicon button, or my Bible and Dictionary button. But Logos is gonna make you work for that so your going to have to go through their getting started tutorial – and if your like me and don't read instructions, but fly by the seat of your pants then your probably gonna be practising that 'Fruit of the Spirit' called 'Long Suffering'. Is the programme any good? Yes its good: It does come with all the cool gadgets you will actually want, even if you don't know what they are yet. These tools will be helpful to you as you go along. These tools as stated by Logos a are: “Original Language Exegesis: See word-by-word comparisons across translations and access Strong’s numbers, the Bible Sense Lexicon, and Bible Word Study with just a click. 10 reverse interlinear resources”. Theres a lot of words in there that wont make much sense to you or I, But what they are trying to tell you is that you will be able to look at the english words in your selected Bible and specifically select a chosen word to see what that word is in the Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek, and get a more indepth look at what that word or words really mean. Its powerful and helpful. And thats just the beginning... Ok, what about the books? Now if your like me and you Love God to absolute bits, and you live in the real world, you will be dealing with real world issues every day while serving God the best you can. Some of these real world issues being topics like: How do I practically become more like Jesus, I hate my job, Issues with the wife or husband, Sexual Intimacy wants and needs, porn, getting married, lack of available men for marriage, resurgence of poly marriage, spiritual resistance, raising kids, money, fears, singleness, divorce, friendships, death etc. Real world issues right. There's a point to this so just bare with me... Logos Essentials give you 3 biblical commentary's to pick from that will all link and follow along your Chosen Bible as you scroll through and read it. Three commentary's should be helpful right? Yes and No. Two of your commentary's are going to be over 140+ years old. These being Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament: 1887, and Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible: 1871. These historical commentrys may certainly be good for In depth Bible study – Yes they will - but more from the perspective of horse drawn carts and men and woman being married as young as 16 years of age – in a time when that was considered normal life. Im not sure how these commentrys will be helpful tbh? But the third commentary 'The New Bible Commentary (NBC) 1994' is actually pretty good. Its still 29 years old. Just a thought... The Dictionary's are ok I guess, with 'Dictionary of Bible Themes 2009' being the standout, helpful for quick reference on biblical topics. Highlights. Three modern Bible translations are a welcome bonus! And King Jimmy for our hard liners! A decent commentary and Dictionary [A great start for student and senior theologs alike]. Bible Word Study app is Excellent! Best part of Logos for me so far! The New Manners and Customs of the Bible – Helpful for us beginners! Good. I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible by Michael S. Heiser is included. Apparently this author is the 'Bees Knees', and revered by current Scholars – looking forward to reading that. I don't regret buying Logos 10 Fundy's. Poweful tools to help with my Bible Study are great. What's missing? There is some good material in here to be honest. However, some of it is just dated - and if this package is aimed at regular Joe and Jane Bloggs encountering real world issues, you may find the materials in here lacking in the content you may need, or even culturally biased. No Lexicon? Why Logos? If Logos 10 Fundy uses Strong’s numbers as a part of its word search application, why is there no Lexicon in this package??? [Note: The Abridged Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament 1906 is found in the free edition already]. To be honest – It seems rather limited compared to more modern lexicons. Honestly this would help us beginners more than you know. I personally would go without the two older commentary's or some of the smaller dictionary's in exchange for an older or newer lexicon that made more sense than BDB. I haven't yet made my conclusion on Fundamentals as there just so much yet to uncover in this very powerful programme, and all of this is just my uneducated opinion, so please don't throw stones just yet! I do wonder if less books in exchange for better books would have been a better choice for me and Fundamentals [Just my opinion]. Will update more as I learn more. Bless
- In my opinion, the real value of fundamentals is the Feature Set Resources not the Library Resources. The feature set resources work mostly in the background. In my opinion, fundamentals is worth it for just the three feature set resources listed below: 1) Reverse Interlinears: CSB, KJV, LEB, ESV 2) Text Comparison / Compare Parallel Bible Versions: I use this on my tablet as my Bible during church services. It allows my to see multiple Bible versions at the same time and highlights the differences between them compared to the Bible I have set as my favorite. 3) Biblical Referents Dataset: (Logos description quoted below) "We’ve spent countless hours examining every verse of Scripture, identifying who is being referred to in each pronoun, verb, and noun in the Bible. We’ve identified 380,000 mentions of 8,000 distinct entities. That information, collected in the Biblical Referents Database, ensures you find every reference to biblical people, places, or things. For example, when you look for “Peter,” Logos consults this dataset and shows you every single biblical reference—whether he’s referred to as Cephas, Simon, Peter, or even “the Rock.” Since referents are catalogued in Hebrew, Greek, and English, you can even search in the original languages. We’ve identified what person or thing performs every action in the Bible. Search for “person: Jesus verb: to heal” and discover every instance Jesus heals someone in Scripture. Those kinds of powerful, precise searches are only possible thanks to the hours of research Logos has done for you. The Biblical Referents Database Dataset makes searching and understanding the Bible easier than ever." There are also databases for events, people, places, things, etc. included in the feature set resources that work unseen in the background, but make you Bible study experience much richer. [RJ1]
- Thanks for your reviews. I was considering this purchase as well, but I was concerned about losing the free version and the books I already had, both free and purchased individually. Do you know whether or not access to previously bought materials remains, or do you lose them? (Some I haven't downloaded, for space concerns.)
- Yes, you keep all of your previously purchased library. In some instances where a package new to you has books you already own, you are offered a discounted price called “dynamic pricing.”
- I am pretty new to Logos and I bought this last month. I transitioned from Logos Free edition to a Logos 10 Package, so I now actually own what I see - that's good! It came with three very modern Bible translations, that have gone someway to correcting the King James era mistranslations, so that's good! LEB 2013 4th Edt. - ESV 2016 - CSB 2017 The $50 dollars U.S.A that this package cost is pretty good value tbh. Just be warned, if you live in a country that does not have a great economy, the value for what you are buying will decrease. I bought this because after hours of trawling through all the various packages and options - and talking to friends who use Logos, it turns out that they all Use [Highly regarded] specific Commentary sets, Dictionary's, Bibles, Encyclopedias and Lexicons. In my thinking, If I'm 'not' going to be a Doctor of theology or enjoy collecting books, I'm better off to use the books that the 'Nerds' are using because they are regarded as the best in their field. So ill take my friends advice and test my theory and buy what I will use rather than buy it all. Ill check back here and let you know if it works out. Just my thoughts.
- My problem is the package is dearer than if I bought the books individually according to the Logos calculator. Does not give me confidence. I have approached Faithlife about this previously but no response.
- I know the more you use it the better it gets. I started with bronze 3 yrs ago. Now I have a Diamond, logos has helped me tremendously with speed of searching for questions, taught me a ton with mobile Ed, and helped me to understand what the original audience was being taught.