Steve Aeschbacher
- Has Logos ever given us any information about what this product is? It seems from below and other forums that it is a subset of the current Britannica, but we don't know what is actually included or left out; that it will be updated but we don't know how often, how much or for what cost; and no one is really addressing why this is better than getting the 'real thing' from EB for much less. (implicitly raising the question of the value of integration with the logos library, I guess). This reminds me of something Christian Book Distributors used to do (and maybe still do)--they would sell a bunch of books in a bundle and you didn't know what they were, it just was a deal--5 books about marriage for 5 bucks, etc. The difference here is that Noet wants 200 bucks for the grab bag. That seems like it is asking for a lot of faith.
- All the questions posed in this forum are easily resolved by calling Logos. In this version, the entire collection is offered. Not a select few.