- Fyi, the product description up top says "12 Volumes" where in fact you get 18 volumes containing a commentary on all 27 books of the NT with solid theology, careful exegesis and such clarity in exposition. This is a great deal considering the fact that a hard copy of this set will cost you several hundred dollars and this set is only $159 at the moment.
- The entire NIC set is 50% off (total of $599) at Olive Tree Bible Software. Can you match that or come close to that Logos?
- wow you are right, thanks for the post Steven.
- No problem, Yousif. I love Logos, but they need to have more sales like their competitors. Currently the Kindle store on Amazon currently has all (or most) of their NIV Application Commentaries for only $4.99 each. If you don't have a Kindle, the Kindle Reader app is free to download for your tablet or laptop or smartphone.