• Altar Guild, I have posted several items from our Worship Committee Meeting last night. Please review the dates and add them to your calendar. Let me know of any corrections for the public calendar. Thank you, Bill
    1. Remove Christmas Decor from Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
      1. Dec. 21, at 6PM is planned for Blue Christmas. Guild will need to prepare back drop for online decor. Blue Christmas (also called the Longest Night) in the Western Christian tradition, is a day in the Advent season marking the longest night of the year. On this day, some churches in Western Christian denominations hold a church service that honors people that have lost loved ones and are experiencing grief. SERVICE IS PLANNED TO BE ONLINE.
        1.  — Edited

          December 15th, Decorate with Poinsettias Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall - St. Mark's United Methodist Church 5005 Love Rd, El Paso, TX 79922, USA Tear Down Jan 8th.
          1. Our church has a NEW FALL look! Thanks to Layloni Drake and the Altar Guild for the beautiful new decorations that adorn our Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Please join us Sunday, you'll be glad you did. Be sure to thank… Jill Tidwell decorated the Fellowship Hall & Donna Joyner decorated the Sanctuary