Teemu Phillips
- Beware. What Elyse Fitpatrick means by "biblical counseling" is nothing like what Jay Adams, Wayne Mack, John MacArthur, and almost everyone else means. She believes that obeying Christ and keeping His commandments is "moralism." She teaches a form of antinomianism that is almost universally rejected by those in the biblical counseling movement. She is NOT a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (now renamed the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) as her bio here states. Her "MA in Biblical Counseling" is from an unaccredited "seminary" that is widely regarded as a diploma mill.
- Beware, this author is NOT a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (now the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors). Her "MA" is from an unaccredited school widely regarded as a diploma mill. Her views on "Gospel-Centered Counseling" and sanctification are far afield from the mainstream of the biblical counseling movement.
- Again, some proof would be great. Links, maybe?
- G. Jorge, in looking at Teemu's profile, all he has ever posted is stuff bashing Elyse Fitzpatrick. I don't take seriously his accusation against her alma matre since I know several alumni from Trinity Theological Seminary's counseling program, and they know their stuff. Maybe his issue is with the fact that it is unaccredited. If that is the case, what a poor reason not to trust someone- because they went to an institution that didn't jump through government hoops so people could borrow money to go there! Additionally, on her website, she doesn't claim that she is a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors. I suspect that Logos simply has not updated the page since she left them. Additionally, from what I can ascertain, she WAS a member of the NANC up until 2013 at the earliest, possibly into 2014. Additionally, I would assume this person would also believe the charge of her being antinomian, to which I would direct them here for her response in her own words: http://www.elysefitzpatrick.com/i-am-not-antinomian/ Hope this helps the discussion!
- I just added this review on her DVD videos..."I cannot believe that anyone could give a negative review of her "worldly" credentials. I definitely believe God has given her His credentials, and I hate for anyone to miss this blessing that she has made in these videos. I have seen several mobile education videos, and this one is definitely top notch. I have been a psychiatric nurse for 22 years, and Miss Fitzpatrick definitely has insight on providing counseling to those who are suffering. Many people have difficulty viewing God in the correct perspective, ie thinking "how can God love someone like me." We all are corrupt, and this counselor reminds us that when we are being tempted to believe or act in a certain way, that we should remind ourselves that God does love us, and we need to continually remind ourselves of what God has done for us to demonstrate His love. She gives good practical insights to remind us of how our savior is transforming us, and to encourage others of God's love. When we know how much God loves us, and has forgiven us, then we will be encouraged to do the same for others when they wrong us."
- This author is NOT a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (now the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) and these "Seminary level lectures" are delivered by someone whose "MA" is from an unaccredited school widely regarded as a diploma mill. Her views on "Gospel-Centered Counseling" and sanctification are far afield from the mainstream of the biblical counseling movement.