• Is there a list of readings for this course?
    1. Yes, you can find it if you navigate to Logos Documents under Bible Study in the left sidebar options.
  • Just wondering what some other answers to the question about "why should we consider the ascension when forming our eschatology" are. Here's what I said: "When Jesus leaves his disicples, he leaves them with a mandate to bring his gospel to the rest of the world. When they ask the question, "Is not the time you will restor the kingdom" it reveals that they ar elooking for a restored kingdom of Israel, which in their eyes has yet to be realized. We are indeed in the end times, the last chapter of God's redemptive narrative, and the ascension marks the beginning of our ministry as witnesses to the world until the Lord returns and the kingdom of Israel is restored and fully actualized. We consider the ascension because o fwhat was said there by our Lord, and what his expectations for the apostles and for us seemed to be. "
    1. Hi Tom, I just ordered the class and will be starting tonight and working through the material over the next few weeks. Can you clarify your view on the"Kingdom of Israel"? Do you think Jesus is referring to a literal reign on Earth (Millennial Reign) yet future or something else?
    2. Well, I just wrote that we need to consider the ascension in forming our eschatology, because if we don't know or can't be sure Jesus ascended/left, then we don't know or can't be sure He'll be coming back. I think that's a very big starting point.
    3. It is important because they were told He would return just as He had gone and they would see it, but also because they were told not to stand there staring up into the sky, but to go and do what He told us.