1. If you select any individual title under "Resources Included" you will see the author's name, plus the option for "Learn more."
  • I don't understand the difference in the 2 editions which have nearly the same titles 1) Swete edition (Alternate Texts) 2) Swete edition
    1. In some cases, there are alternative readings available for certain passages. These are often relegated to footnotes. In this edition, these alternative readings have been gathered together in a separate volume, for ease of access.
  • The 4 stars are for the 1st edition (1940s, the only one I have used). Somebody says college level, not seminary level. My Bible College had higher quality Bible & theology teaching than did my seminary! The best Bible teachers I sat under were in Bible College. I kind of regret going to seminary. I now wish I had just enrolled in university after Bible college to study Greek, Hebrew, & Aramaic. Theissen was the school's Systematic Theology, , though probably our best professors disagreed with Theissen on election (while agreeing with him on eschatology). The biggest drawback to Theissen was that he did not print out verses, but just gave the references in general; so you needed a supplementary book with the verses written out. Does this Logos edition bring up verses when you hover over them? Then it would be worth buying for me. Also, I am curious as to how the election doctrine may have been changed in the new edition. I believe that Theissen was only a 2 point Calvinist, interpreting election as by foreknowledge of who would believe.
    1. Yes, this Logos edition does bring up verses when you hover over them, as long as you have an available Bible in your Logos library.
  • "modern evangelical understanding of the Bible"? How about "neo-evangelical understanding" or even "neo-orthodox"? Bruce never impressed me as a man committed to inerrancy of the Scripture.
    1. Should I click amen? like? or praying! ?
      1. It looks like mostly the Spanish speaking churches won't go beyond the 1960 RV. I have found it hard to find leather bound, large type more modern editions, like they tend to be out of print. Could it be that this RV is the first one to be based on the more ancient mss instead of essentially the Textus Receptus?
        1. I don't know much at all about how to use Logos. It is mostly a big pile of books lying in a room without organization. Is this manual sufficient if you don't know how to do any logos since 1.6 (running on Windows 3.11), which BTW had a good paper booklet manual as I recall, manual coming with the product.
          1. I'm torn, as many of you are, about paying a large sum of money for Logos 4, which I had for about a year when Logos 5 came out. Then, what seemed like a very short time viola, Logos 6. I rationalized that I will be retiring soon and will not be able to afford ANY upgrades then, so I bought 6. I like it. I had just bought the pair of manuals for Logos 5, before buying Logos 6. I am glad I upgraded to Logos 6, but a little frustrated that there wasn't some kind of prorating on the 6 manuals. I am bi-vocational (the church is part-time), so I work a full time job AND one other part-time job, so my time for sermon study is very limited. I can't imagine doing this without Logos. I have Word, Excel, PowerPoint and I don't remember getting any manuals with them either, except the links to helps, so, to be fair, Logos isn't the only one who does not supply manuals. It does seem like Proctor does have a monopoly on the training, and it IS good, it is just way too expensive to buy or attend, and again, getting the TIME to go to a camp, or work with the digital versions. So, I am going to learn what I can with the blogs, I won't buy any more manuals, and I can't attend the Camps. I get by with what knowledge I have. Maybe when I retire I'll have time to learn more features of Logos 6. I won't be able to afford Logos 7 when I retire, so this is it for me. Sorry to just add to the whining about the manuals without a good solution. Don't have time. Bye.
          2. the reason they have had several new versions in the last few years, 4 then 5, and 6 is that they have some pretty hefty salaries to fund out of income, which also partly explains the charge for the manual. Not many people pay full price for anything, and some downloads are free. Maybe they should spend less time on software development and just concentrate on new books.
          3. This is not a manual produced by Logos. This is a private company that makes this.