Timothy C. Seal
- Randy's sentence diagram work in the New Testament is a great resource for the serious expositor. I highly recommend this work. Of course, it would have been nice to have the functionality of the BibleWorks edition. Nonetheless, it is possible for anyone to bring up the diagram of the passage being studied and make the drop down box appear and hit exegetical guide for the details of the text.
- I may be missing something, but I am not seeing that I have any info as I hover over the diagrams to see morph or clausal info....Are there other resources that are required? On my screen, it looks like a image file of the sentence diagrams.
- Ken, As I said, the functionality that was there in BibleWorks where you put the cursor over the Greek terms is not available in Logos. So, you have to bring up a Bible translation with a transliteration to help.
- R. C. Trench's Word Studies are a lost treasure that, obviously, few are aware of considering how long it has been on prepublication. If you love good word study resources, you need to avail yourself of this treasure trove. His word studies are a great gift to those who desire to preach expository sermons.