• I read this 324-page, twenty-four-chapter, resource C2C. I thought it might be a good resource to read as I encountered retirement from my career and consideration of further employment. I read it on the Android version of Logos. Unfortunately, this also meant that I couldn't highlight it, so it is difficult these many months later to recall any specific thoughts that resonated with me. A 1993 resource, it is getting a little dated in it's references [High Tech Eq = a VCR] (it's interesting to read their predictions--like pocket-size computers [aka multi-core smartphones]). However, when reading this I recall finding an affinity with the military service/computer field background of the authors. A substantial reading, better perhaps for the living room than a subway ride. I wish I'd been able to use highlighters/Notes at the time.
    1. I read this non-paginated resource C2C as my "Read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year" text a few years ago. I was hoping it was like Wuest's Expanded NT--just on a whole-Scripture scale; it wasn't. This Bible translates the "Kingdom of God" as the "Reign of God", and for some reason that translation resonates much better with me. There were probably other epiphanies at the time, but after a couple of years that is what I recall--and continue to use.
      1. I read this 118(+)-page highly-outlined resource C2C when it became available in Logos; I'd read something in paper form ("How to study your Bible for all it's Worth"?) that referenced this work, so when it became available (and in preparation to teach a class), I read this one. It is extremely thorough. If you can follow it's method, you will learn the Bible well. I used it as a guide and in practice skip/trim a lot of steps--I just don't have enough time to follow a process like this and get very far. I appreciated the "chapter" that listed a bunch of recommended readings/references. Regretfully, they aren't available in Logos (or just aren't linked, not sure which). This set of references led me to buying/reading GIBRE and Edersheim in Logos format. The three complement each other well. If you tried using this as a teaching text, it would require a substantially long class.
        1. I read this 66-Page, Seven-Chapter, resource C2C when I wanted to learn more about dispensationalism. It has been a while since I read it; upon reflection, the narrative nature of this resource makes it difficult to use as an occasional reference--you kind of have to read it all rather than just focus on a section/verse reference. If you want to read, then get it. If you want a summary reference, then perhaps there is a shorter synopsis elsewhere in Logos.
          1. I read this 128-Page, 10-Chapter resource C2C. At the time, I was trying to think through church organization concepts I was exposed to during an Orange Conference. Reading this resource instead got me thinking about Eternal Security/Salvation and began a more in-depth reading of related resources. This is an easy read and useful to help one confront the routine/assumptions of modern Christian conduct.
            1. I read this 176-Page, 41 [!]-Chapter, resource C2C. It is hard to summarize this; it is kind of like just listening to Tozer speak his mind on a host of subjects. Useful if you want to get to know Tozer better.
              1. I got more from this resource than I expected; it did give phonetic aids for English speakers to say words encountered in English-language Bibles [it is hard to read/teach when you can't pronounce the words well]. But it also (briefly) taught about some of the deeper challenges--different spellings/etc, original languages, etc. However, what I really appreciated came at the end--a roll-up of the names of God/their meanings as well as the names of people in the Bible/their meanings. I love to get surprised this way, and it scratched an itch I had for a list of the names of God.
                1. I read this 330-Page, 18-Chapter, resource C2C. Not having a Jewish background and only being exposed to Western/U.S. history in school, I found the retrospectives captured here to be very helpful and instructive. It kindled an interest in my later study of the BT, for example.
                  1. I read this 163-page, 15-Chapter, resource C2C when seeking inspiration on how to get the stagnate to innovate. It is thorough in analyzing the situation.