Whyndell Grizzard
- I read through the listing of Presidents- I'll just mention one LBJ- he was a consummate liar, would stab you in the back in a heartbeat. All politics and political parties are corrupt- Worldwide- they all succumb to the evil natures of their participants. As one example look at one of the most corrupt Nations on the earth, the USA. The farse that has been fed to millions over the last two centuries is unbelievable.
- LSB has the cross-referenced addition is this the one we are getting? Please make this version functional, so disappointed with NASB 2020 which is nothing more than a useless paperback.
- What's the cross referenced edition?
- What's wrong with the NAS20? I have it and it works very well and includes cross-references. Check the resource panel and make sure you have the proper boxes checked.
- Don't make to much about nothing- every translation into English is a struggle when trying to maintain a modern societal slant. It's another tool (meaning the way God has given us to know and understand His ways) no different than the ESV, NASB, HCSB, KJV, LEB, etc. Our congregations or the average person will not learn or read Greek without a reason.
- This will only be helpful if it is fully integrated with Logos utilities- if not it will be just like the NASB 2020- just a book, and a paper book at that.
- From the table of contents it seems this book is from an Amill perspective can someone verify this- I just don't want another Dispy commentary on Revelation.
- You can get a flavour of the author's take on Revelation on his blog - https://www.psephizo.com/category/revelation/ and his millennial thoughts are (briefly) in a post here https://www.psephizo.com/reviews/the-meaning-of-the-millennium/.
- Appears IVP which is predominantly not dispensational is rewriting the Tyndale series which has been one that includes the dispensational view. I am grateful once one purchases a book in Logos, that edition stays and does not get replaced as happens with paper books (as I favor Dispy commentaries, as you call them). I also have the earlier NIV as well as the newer one. Also a reason to hold on to printed volumes by the way. Peace to you.