• Healed From Arthritis & Bursitis

    For approximately two years I have had major pain in my left shoulder. I was diagnosed with arthritis and bursitis and had been taking medications for the pain. It made life burdensome, it was hard to brush my hair or even shampoo it and dressing was very difficult, I resorted to using only one arm. Going to bed was difficult as well, it was extremely painful when I slept on it. I would wake up in the middle of the night with so much pain after rolling over to my left side. Eventually, I just got used to living this way.

    I believe in the Lord with all of my heart. I also believe in miracles and the power of prayer. So when Pastor Ruby made an altar call for the person having shoulder pain, I knew it was my opportunity to go up for healing. It was amazing, after Pastor Robert prayed for me, I felt relief instantaneously! I was finally set free of all the pain. Nothing is impossible for Christ, here I am pain-free and my arm is now functional.

    I am now able to do the things I was not able to do before, like hold my grandsons, do my hair, and sleep comfortably through the night. Thank you, Pastor Robert and Ruby. Thank you, Woodlake Christian Center, but most of all thank you to our Father God who heals His children.

    Mary Montoya - February, 2018

    1. Fatty Liver Disease Healed

      In 2006 I was diagnosed with fatty infiltration of the liver. Infiltration of the liver is a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, that may progress to scarring and irreversible damage to the liver. The risk are; high cholesterol and high triglycerides, which I was affected by both. Normal levels of triglycerides are in the range of 150. At times the range of my triglycerides was over 500.

      After many visits to multiple doctors, trying different medications, and getting second opinions, just feeling desperate, I finally accepted that this was a disease I would have to live with for the rest of my life. I felt defeated and worried about my future with my children and husband.

      Until, one Sunday service in 2010, Pastor Robert opened up the altar for healing. I went up with an open heart and the desire to be healed of this sickness. A few weeks passed, and I had an appointment with my Dr. for an ultrasound to see the progress or damage this disease had caused my liver. Not being aware of what was about to change my life! The Dr. was shocked; there were no signs of the fatty liver disease. After four years of suffering and thinking this disease was going to control my life. The Lord had healed me completely! I am so thankful that I no longer have this disease. Thank you Lord that you made Your HEALING POWER touch my body.

      Martha Chavez - February, 2018

      1. Healed From Psoriasis After 20 Years

        My father died twenty years ago and shortly afterward I developed spots all over my body especially my extremities making the spots unsightly, red, itchy, and with a flaky scale appearance. My doctor attributed this skin breakout to stress and prescribed antidepressants, which did not help.

        I sought a second opinion from a dermatologist who performed a biopsy. The biopsy revealed Psoriasis, I cried as the doctor explained to me a grim prognosis of this incurable disease. The doctors’ words as I felt at the moment were so discouraging, although he prescribed a medication that might give some temporary relief. The medicine was also used to suppress some forms of cancer. In my desperation for help with this skin disorder I took the medicine in my hopelessness, I was depressed, and afraid of going out in public. Even in the summer, I wore long sleeves and sweaters fearing that people would be disgusted with me and my Psoriasis. The prescribed medication helped a little; however, I had to stop taking it due to elevated liver enzymes and I decided I’d rather not deal with the liver damage.

        Approximately three years ago, while our pastor held an altar call for healing a miraculous thing happened in my life. He called to either go up to the altar or stay in place and lay your hands over areas in your body that need healing. I literally crossed my legs and arms as if I was hugging myself, as the pastors’ powerful healing prayer was declared in the Holy name of JESUS! Three weeks after this powerful prayer of healing was declared over our bodies, while shopping for a long sleeve garment with my daughter asked why I needed to wear long sleeves if you can’t see the Psoriasis. WOW, at that moment I didn’t realize that it was gone or that I was healed. We embraced and wept and were overcome with joy, as we prayed thanks and praises to the Lord knowing that a miracle had occurred after that prayer of healing prayed by our pastor.

        The twenty years of suffering are over, my confidence is back and I no longer live in fear nor afraid if every now and then I see a spot on my body. I apply ointment and I pray over my body, knowing that whatever I’ve endured these past twenty years have been a blessing and a growth in my spiritual walk with Christ. I know the LORD is in charge of everything and NOTHING is impossible for HIM. I rely on Him and praise and honor our Lord and Savior with continued prayer and supplication daily.

        Diana Mendoza - February, 2018

        1. Shoulder Injury & Arthritis Healed

          On Sunday morning January 18th during the time of altar, Pastor Ruby gave a "word of knowledge“ that there was a man, who had injured his shoulder at a young age. Instantly my wife Iris turned to me, "It's you, baby". I said, "No, I don't believe it's me". I know that I did injure my shoulder at a very young age, but believed that my shoulder was hurting due to my job as a postman. I kept worshiping, then two ladies from our congregation came to me with a word of knowledge. Alice and Pauline approached me and began to say, the Lord has revealed that you are that person who has the shoulder injury. I then turned to my wife and asked, “Did you tell them, and if not, how did they know that my shoulder had been hurting for years”. The ladies then asked if they can pray for my shoulder? I said yes, at that moment I realized that the Lord was using these two women to confirm the word Pastor Ruby had declared. While the ladies were praying over my shoulder, Pauline asked me if my lower back had been hurting as well, I said yes. In that moment I began to feel the power of God, healing was taking place in my shoulder and back, also a bump that had been growing on my shoulder from arthritis instantly disappeared. I could not contain myself from the overwhelming feeling of Holy Spirit, I began crying because of his goodness. The pain on my shoulder is gone, my back was straightened out, and I have been able to sleep soundly without any pain through the night.

          The Pastors and WCC, have been praying and fasting for our community to see and experience breakthroughs against the things that hinder our quality of life. I invite anyone who has been feeling any type of pain in their body, trouble sleeping, or any sort of affliction to visit Woodlake Christian Center. Where we host Holy Spirit, experience his Presence, and receive the healing power of our Lord.

          I George Sanchez, share my testimony to honor what God has done in my life and can assure anyone that our Lord can also heal you.

          George Sanchez - January, 2018

          1. Deaf Ear Opened

            For over twenty years I was unable to hear out of my right ear. It was something that I just became accustomed to. Until one Sunday morning, I went to the altar after pastor Robert opened it up for healing. As he was praying for someone else, I laid my hands on that person. Immediately after I did, I felt my right ear pop. My ear felt as if it was leaking and draining fluid. I was scared and went to the restroom. Shortly after, I could hear everything. It actually sounded amplified and really loud, since I was used to not being able to hear out of that ear.

            I realized that God blessed me and healed me! It changed my life for the good. I look to Him and trust him in everything I do. Praise and Glory to Him for the healing I received without asking.

            Evannah Tarman - February, 2018

            1. Healed from Lactose Intolerance

              For many years I had struggled with Lactose intolerance. I was very young when I became Lactose. One day during a women’s prayer service. Pastor Ruby was sharing with the women how the Lord healed her from her lactose intolerance. When she had mentioned Lactose, I remembered that I ate 3 slices of pizza before heading to prayer service regretting I did because I was then waiting for my stomach to act up. To my surprise my stomach was fine. And during the women’s prayer service my Lactose did not act up. After putting it to the test the next few days, I realized that I too was healed from being Lactose intolerant for 20 years. Praise God!

              Sandra Murrietta-January, 2018