•  — Edited

    Agape House Fellowship - Sunday Services inDecember🌟 Time: 10:30 AM Location: Tungyu Tsai House 25 Kinglet Drive South Cranbury, New Jersey 08512
  • 不计后果的爱 #1



    《不计后果的爱 #1》




    “人若爱父母过于爱我,就不配做我的门徒;人若爱儿女过于爱我,就不配做我的门徒。若不背起自己的十字架跟从我,就不配做我的门徒。” ——马太福音 10:37-38

    Coach K 讲道视频:


    播放时间: 33






























    1.  — Edited

      Reckless Love #1

      Broken yet Beautiful:

      Agape House Fellowship

      Reckless Love #1

      Broken yet Beautiful:

      Embracing God's Love in Our Weakness

      by Coach K


      “But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'” 2 Corinthians 12:9

      Coach K’s Message Video:


      Video play time: 33 mins

      The Reckless Love of God

      In Justin Bieber's rendition of the worship song "Reckless Love," he sings alone in front of God, with no audience, conveying an image of total acceptance in God’s love. This image mirrors the profound truth that God’s love is unconditional and unchanging, regardless of our imperfections or failures.

      To illustrate this, consider the story of a farmer who uses two pots to carry water from a river to his fields. One pot is flawless, smooth, and perfect, while the other has a crack that causes it to leak water along the way. The cracked pot feels ashamed, thinking it is useless because it cannot carry a full load. In contrast, the perfect pot proudly boasts of its flawlessness. However, as the farmer listens to the cracked pot's complaints, he reveals that the water leaking from the cracked pot has been nourishing a line of beautiful wildflowers along the path. The farmer had always known about the crack and had intentionally planted seeds there, using the pot's imperfection to create something beautiful.

      This story reflects the truth behind the song "Reckless Love." God’s love is not reckless in the sense of being careless or erratic, but rather, it is relentless and pursues us even when we feel broken and imperfect. Just as the cracked pot was still valuable and contributed in its unique way, God’s love flows to us despite our weaknesses. We may feel inadequate or wasteful, but God's love covers all our imperfections.

      Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:9, shares how he struggled with feelings of inadequacy. He felt overlooked and judged by others, much like the cracked pot. But Jesus comforted him, saying, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God often uses vessels that are cracked and broken to demonstrate His power. Our weakness makes room for His strength to be displayed, and in our imperfections, God’s grace is made more evident.

      There are three types of love in the Greek language: Eros, Philadelphia, and Agape. Eros is based on attraction and emotions, while Philadelphia is rooted in affection and understanding. Agape, however, is the love that God demonstrates toward us. It is a love of will, intentional and voluntary, independent of feelings or intellect. God’s love is Agape—it is deliberate and unchanging, and it chooses to love us despite our imperfections. This reckless love is powerful because it embraces us even when we are weak, and in that weakness, we find strength.

      In response to God’s reckless love, we are called to make a decision: Are we willing to accept His love, even with all our cracks and flaws? Will we let God use us, as cracked vessels, to bring beauty and glory to His name? As 2 Corinthians 4:7 reminds us, “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” Our weakness becomes the avenue through which God’s strength is made known.

      In closing, let us reflect on the lyrics from the song, "Reckless Love":

      "There's no shadow you won't light up,

      Mountain you won't climb up,

      Coming after me.

      There's no wall you won't kick down,

      Lie you won't tear down,

      Coming after me."

      Today, if you feel broken, lost, or distant, know that God’s reckless love is relentlessly pursuing you. No matter where you are in life, He is ready to embrace you, heal you, and carry you through your struggles. If you are ready to receive His love and allow Him to transform your life, I invite you to come forward. Let His love guide you, strengthen you, and carry you through every challenge.

      Small Group Discussion: The Reckless Love of God

      Icebreaker Question:

      Before we begin, share with the group: Have you ever experienced a time when you felt unworthy of God's love, but then realized He was still there for you? What was that like?

      Discussion Questions:

      1.God’s Love is Reckless, Not in Carelessness, But in Relentlessness:

      In the sermon, we discussed how God’s love is "reckless" in the sense that it relentlessly pursues us, even when we feel broken or far from Him. How does knowing that God’s love is always pursuing us make you feel in your own life, especially during difficult or challenging times?

      2.The Cracked Pot Story:

      The cracked pot in the story was ashamed of its imperfection but was still used by the farmer to create something beautiful. In what areas of your life do you feel "cracked" or broken? How might God be using your imperfections for His purpose?

      3.Embracing Weakness for God’s Power:

      Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” How can we, as Christians, shift our perspective to see our weaknesses as opportunities for God’s strength to be shown?

      4.God's Love as Agape:

      We talked about the three types of love in Greek: Eros, Philadelphia, and Agape. Agape is the love God has for us—a love that is deliberate, willful, and unconditional. How can we, as believers, practice Agape love in our daily lives with others, especially those who might be difficult to love?

      5.Daily Application of Reckless Love:

      In the closing of the sermon, we reflected on the song’s lyrics, “There's no shadow you won't light up, mountain you won't climb up, coming after me.” How can we remind ourselves of God's relentless love in our day-to-day struggles, whether at work, home, or in our relationships?

      1. 摆脱负面家庭模式

        父亲的摇篮曲 #2


        耶稣是系列 #2

        父亲的摇篮曲 #2




        —马太福音 10:37-38

        Coach K 讲道视频:



        播放时间: 33:09 -55:03







        正如哥林多后书 5:21 所说:“神使那无罪的替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义。” 这不仅关乎个人的救赎——它也关乎通过祂的力量重新定义我们的生命和家庭。我们被呼召从医治的地方,而非痛苦的地方行动,成为我们曾经在痛苦中所需要的那个人。



        马太福音 10:34中,耶稣说:“你们不要以为我来是叫地上太平;我来并不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上动刀兵。” 这听起来可能很严厉,但耶稣指的是用属灵的剑斩断罪恶和压迫性的家庭模式。他的信息不是要摧毁关系,而是要打破代际罪的枷锁——例如虐待、偏袒或基于恐惧的控制。

        当耶稣在马太福音 12:48中宣告,“谁是我的母亲?谁是我的弟兄?” 他不是在拒绝自己的家人,而是重新定义神国度中的家庭。他邀请每一个人——无论他们的世俗家庭动态如何——通过与天父的关系进入一个新的、永恒的家庭。





        • 如果你的家庭充满愤怒,你可以选择耐心。
        • 如果你在批评中长大,你可以说生命和鼓励的话语。
        • 如果你的家庭因恐惧而运作,你可以凭信心和基督里的信心行走。



        • 育儿:
        • 如果你小时候没有体验到一个温柔耐心的父母,你可以通过对孩子温柔地说话来打破这一模式。
        • 财务:
        • 如果你的家庭有一种贫穷心态,你可以通过信靠神的供应,明智地管理资源,并以喜乐的心给予来重新定义新的常态。




        • 借着祂的鞭伤,我们得了医治。
        • 借着祂的宝血,我们的罪得以洁净。
        • 借着祂头上的荆棘冠冕,我们得了清明的心思。







        勇敢地迈入这个真理:你的家庭历史可能塑造了你,但耶稣的爱改变了你。 倾听父亲的摇篮曲,让它指引你进入充满医治、希望和喜乐的未来。




        练习 1:反思并宣告新的遗产

        重点: “你正在打破代际的咒诅。这就是为什么事情对你来说并不那么容易。你是你的血脉所等待的人。”

        • 第 1 步:反思:
        • 给每位参与者一张纸。请他们反思自己经历过的一个负面的家庭模式(例如,恐惧、愤怒、批评),并将其写下来。
        • 第 2 步:宣告:
        • 请参与者写下在基督里打破这种模式的宣告(例如:“奉耶稣的名,我宣告愤怒不再定义我的家庭。我选择耐心和爱作为新的遗产。”)。
        • 第 3 步:祷告:
        • 围绕小组,让每个人大声读出他们的宣告,然后进行集体祷告,同意彼此获得自由和转变。

        练习 2:定义新的常态

        重点: “在基督里,我们不仅被呼召去打破罪的循环,还要用喜乐和公义的遗产来取代它们。”

        • 第 1 步:识别模式:
        • 作为一个小组讨论:你生活中的哪个领域需要定义新的常态?(例如:育儿、财务、沟通、解决冲突。)
        • 第 2 步:设定目标:
        • 两人一组,参与者为本周重新定义这一领域设定一个实际的目标。例如:
        • 育儿: 每天对你的孩子说一句肯定的话。
        • 财务: 制定一个简单的预算,并通过慷慨给予他人来实践感恩。
        • 沟通: 本周在对话中更加积极地倾听。
        • 第 3 步:分享与承诺:
        • 让参与者与小组分享他们的目标,并为彼此的力量和喜乐祷告,帮助实现目标。

        练习 3:反思耶稣的牺牲

        重点: “借着祂的鞭伤,我们得了医治。借着祂的宝血,我们的罪得以洁净。借着祂头上的荆棘冠冕,我们得了清明的心思。”

        • 第 1 步:视觉冥想:
        • 提供一个安静的时刻,让参与者反思耶稣的牺牲。鼓励他们想象将自己的重担(负面的家庭模式、恐惧或挣扎)放在十字架脚下。
        • 第 2 步:集体祷告:
        • 小组一起为耶稣牺牲的各个方面祷告:
        • 鞭伤得医治: 为身体、情感和属灵的医治祷告。
        • 宝血得洁净: 为赦免和打破代际罪祷告。
        • 荆棘得清明: 为思想的清晰、平安和力量祷告。
        • 第 3 步:领受圣餐:
        • 如果合适,可以作为一个小组分享圣餐,以巩固对耶稣牺牲的纪念以及祂转变生命和家庭的能力。

        练习 4:活出父亲的摇篮曲

        重点: “你的家庭历史可能塑造了你,但耶稣的爱改变了你。”

        • 第 1 步:感恩反思:
        • 请每位参与者分享他们看到上帝在自己家庭或个人生活中的转变方式。
        • 第 2 步:行动计划:
        • 请参与者思考本周可以在家庭或关系中活出父亲的摇篮曲的一种实际方式。例如:
        • 给家庭成员写一封鼓励的信。
        • 采取一个步骤与某人和解。
        • 开始一个以喜乐和感恩为中心的新家庭传统。
        • 第 3 步:闭幕祷告:
        • 以感恩上帝的转变能力的祷告结束,并请求祂的引导,帮助参与者在日常生活中活出父亲的摇篮曲。



        1. Breaking Free from Negative Family Patterns

          Agape House Fellowship

          Father’s Lullaby #2

          Father’s Lullaby

          Breaking Free from Negative Family Patterns


          by Coach K


          ““Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.’” —Matthew 10:37-38

          Coach K’s Message Video:


          Video play time: 33:25 -1:09:00

          Today, we continue exploring the Father’s Lullaby and how it empowers us to break generational cycles of negativity. Through Jesus, we are called to be the ones who bring healing, joy, and freedom to our families, leaving behind the legacy of hurt and embracing the legacy of joy.

          Be the Person Who Breaks the Cycle

          "If you were judged, choose understanding.

          If you were rejected, choose acceptance.

          If you were shamed, choose compassion."

          These words remind us that we have the power to stop generational negativity in its tracks. Jesus, being fully God and fully man, showed us that breaking these cycles is possible. He experienced rejection, shame, and misunderstanding, yet He responded with love, grace, and redemption.

          As 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, Jesus became sin for us so that we might become righteous in Him. This isn’t just about personal salvation—it’s about redefining our lives and our families through His power. We are called to act from a place of healing, not pain, and to be the person we needed when we were hurting.

          Breaking the Cultural Cycle

          In Jesus’ time, the Greek and Roman view of family (familia) was rooted in authoritarianism, with the head of the household wielding absolute control. Jesus boldly challenged these dynamics.

          In Matthew 10:34, Jesus said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” While this may sound harsh, Jesus was referring to cutting off sinful and oppressive family patterns. His message wasn’t about destroying relationships but about breaking the chains of generational sin—patterns like abuse, favoritism, or fear-based control.

          When Jesus declared in Matthew 12:48, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He wasn’t rejecting His family but was redefining family in the Kingdom of God. He was inviting everyone—regardless of their earthly family dynamics—into a new, eternal family through their relationship with the Heavenly Father.

          Declare a New Legacy

          In Jesus’ name, we boldly proclaim:

          “You’re breaking generational curses. That’s why things don’t come so easily for you. You’re who your bloodline has been waiting for.”

          Your family’s past does not have to define your future. With Jesus, you have the freedom to create a new normal filled with grace, joy, and love.

          • If your family struggled with anger, you can choose patience.
          • If you grew up with criticism, you can speak life and encouragement.
          • If your family operated from fear, you can walk in faith and confidence in Christ.

          Defining the New Normal

          In Christ, we are not only called to break cycles of sin but to replace them with legacies of joy and righteousness.

          • Parenting:
          • If you didn’t experience a parent who spoke softly and patiently, you can choose to break that pattern by speaking with gentleness to your children.
          • Finances:
          • If your family lived with a poverty mindset, you can redefine the new normal by trusting in God’s provision, stewarding resources wisely, and giving generously with joy.

          Whatever the area—relationships, habits, or attitudes—Jesus gives you the power to define a new way of living that honors God and brings joy.

          The Blood of Jesus Breaks Every Curse

          What ultimately breaks generational curses? The blood of the Lamb. Jesus paid the full price for every sinful pattern in our lives.

          • Through His stripes, we have divine health.
          • Through His blood, our sins are cleansed.
          • Through the thorns on His head, we have a sound mind.

          Jesus’ sacrifice has given us the power to step into freedom, healing, and transformation. No one else has the capacity to break these chains—only Jesus can, and He has already done it for you.

          Conclusion: Living in the Father’s Lullaby

          Breaking generational patterns isn’t easy, but it is possible through Jesus. He invites us to stop the cycle of hurt and begin a cycle of healing. His lullaby is one of hope, redemption, and joy, calling you to step into a new legacy that blesses generations to come.

          You are not bound by the mistakes of the past. In Jesus, you are free to create a family culture of grace, faith, and love. His blood has paid the price, and His power equips you to live in victory.

          Let’s make this declaration together:

          "Lord, I surrender my family’s past to You. Through Your blood, I am free from every curse and empowered to create a new legacy of joy and righteousness. Thank You, Jesus, for paying the price and giving me the freedom to define a new normal in my life and family. In Your name, Amen."

          Step boldly into this truth: Your family’s history may have shaped you, but Jesus’ love transforms you. Listen to the Father’s lullaby and let it guide you into a future filled with healing, hope, and joy.

          Small Group Practical Exercises: Breaking Negative Family Patterns


          To help participants apply the principles of breaking negative family patterns and creating a new legacy through guided, practical exercises.

          Exercise 1: Reflect and Declare a New Legacy

          Focus: “You’re breaking generational curses. That’s why things don’t come so easily for you. You’re who your bloodline has been waiting for.”

          • Step 1: Reflection:
          • Provide each participant with a piece of paper. Ask them to reflect on a negative family pattern they’ve experienced (e.g., fear, anger, criticism) and write it down.
          • Step 2: Declaration:
          • Have participants write a declaration in Christ to break that pattern (e.g., “In Jesus’ name, I declare that anger will no longer define my family. I choose patience and love as the new legacy.”).
          • Step 3: Prayer:
          • Go around the group and have each person read their declaration aloud, followed by a group prayer of agreement for freedom and transformation.

          Exercise 2: Defining a New Normal

          Focus: “In Christ, we are not only called to break cycles of sin but to replace them with legacies of joy and righteousness.”

          • Step 1: Identifying a Pattern:
          • Discuss as a group: What is one area of your life where you feel called to define a new normal? (Examples: parenting, finances, communication, conflict resolution.)
          • Step 2: Goal Setting:
          • In pairs, have participants set one practical goal for this week to redefine that area. For example:
          • Parenting: Speak a word of affirmation to your child daily.
          • Finances: Create a simple budget and practice generosity by giving to someone in need.
          • Communication: Resolve to listen more actively in conversations this week.
          • Step 3: Share and Commit:
          • Have participants share their goals with the group and pray over one another for strength and joy in carrying them out.

          Exercise 3: Reflecting on Jesus’ Sacrifice

          Focus: “Through His stripes, we have divine health. Through His blood, our sins are cleansed. Through the thorns on His head, we have a sound mind.”

          • Step 1: Visual Meditation:
          • Provide a quiet moment where participants can reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. Encourage them to visualize laying their burdens (negative family patterns, fears, or struggles) at the foot of the cross.
          • Step 2: Group Prayer:
          • As a group, pray through each aspect of Jesus’ sacrifice:
          • Stripes for health: Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
          • Blood for cleansing: Pray for forgiveness and breaking generational sins.
          • Thorns for a sound mind: Pray for clarity, peace, and strength in thoughts.
          • Step 3: Communion:
          • If appropriate, share communion as a group to solidify the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice and His power to transform lives and families.

          Exercise 4: Living the Father’s Lullaby

          Focus: “Your family’s history may have shaped you, but Jesus’ love transforms you.”

          • Step 1: Gratitude Reflection:
          • Have each participant share one way they’ve seen God’s transformation in their family or personal life.
          • Step 2: Action Plan:
          • Ask participants to think of one practical way they can live out the Father’s lullaby this week in their family or relationships. Examples:
          • Writing a letter of encouragement to a family member.
          • Taking a step to reconcile with someone.
          • Starting a new family tradition centered on joy and gratitude.
          • Step 3: Closing Prayer:
          • End with a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s transformative power and a request for guidance as participants live out the Father’s lullaby in their daily lives.

          Optional Follow-Up Challenge:

          Throughout the week, encourage participants to journal their experiences as they implement these exercises. Ask them to share their reflections and testimonies in the next small group meeting.

          1. 耶稣是我的心思意念


            耶稣是系列 #9






            —提摩太后书 1:7

            Coach K 讲道视频:



            播放时间: 00:00 - 33:09


            圣经在提摩太后书 1:7中告诉我们:“因为神赐给我们的,不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。”那么,什么是健全的心思?这是一颗经过耶稣基督拯救、复苏、保护和安稳的心。我们的心思意念因耶稣的宝血得救赎,并借着圣灵的能力被圣化。


            许多基督徒期望在受洗后立即完全改变,但有时候健全的心思并不会马上显现。虽然神的应许是真实的,但祂可能允许我们在与基督同行的过程中,逐渐发展出健全的心思。这是一个与基督的受苦和救赎同行的旅程。耶稣曾说:“所以你们要完全,像你们的天父完全一样。”(马太福音 5:48)。这是一种救赎的过程,而其中一个重要部分就是要战胜和克服负面思想。






            • 过滤:你只关注情况中的负面部分,忽略所有正面的结果。
            • 个人化:当发生不好的事情时,你会自动归咎于自己,即使这并不是完全你的错。


            那么,我们如何通过神的救赎大能克服这些负面思想呢?一个有力的例子来自于Shammah Gara,她是一名基督徒女孩,也是牧师的女儿。在她的书《Neither Do I》中,她分享了自己未婚先孕的经历。尽管她选择不堕胎,但她几个月来一直背负着深深的羞耻和悲伤,同时在外界面前装作坚强。然而,这个故事不仅仅是她的跌倒,它更是关于耶稣如何恢复她,医治她,并带给她救恩和力量。

            就像在约翰福音 8:11中被抓的淫妇,耶稣为Shammah站了起来。当所有人都想定罪那位女人时,耶稣弯下腰,静静地在地上写字。他没有参与那些充满内疚和羞耻的指控。他反而站出来,抵挡了别人强加给她的负面标签。


            当我们把负面思想带到耶稣面前,并宣告祂是我们的健全心思时,祂会做一些极其有力的事。耶稣不仅为我们的罪而死,祂还战胜了因内疚和羞耻而产生的负面思想。耶稣为你我挺身而出,选择在指控面前保持沉默,以便让我们得以自由。“如今,那些在基督耶稣里的就不定罪了。”(罗马书 8:1)。

            敌人不断试图让我们陷入羞耻,因为他知道羞耻会让我们与神的爱隔绝。但是当我们来到耶稣面前,祂为我们与神的亲密关系而战。在敬拜中,我们练习将所有负面思想交托,允许圣灵引导我们,进入没有任何事物能将我们与基督的爱隔绝的地方(罗马书 8:38-39)。


            1. 识别谎言:像卡尔一样,我们需要识别何时在过度概括或负面标记自己。找到这种思想的根源,并把它带到耶稣面前。
            2. 在基督里宣告健全的心思:记住,神赐给我们的不是胆怯的心,而是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。在怀疑或内疚时,宣告这个真理在你生命中。
            3. 使内疚和羞耻的声音沉默:正如耶稣让人群在羞辱那个女人时沉默下来,我们也可以通过专注于耶稣的爱与饶恕,来让内疚和羞耻的声音安静下来。
            4. 在战斗中敬拜:在敬拜中,我们承认耶稣比以往任何时候都更接近,祂为我们的心思和我们的平安而战。把每一个负面思想都放在祂的脚下。



            小组活动: "通过耶稣更新我们的心思意念"




            提摩太后书 1:7 - “因为神赐给我们的,不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。”


            • 索引卡或纸片
            • 圣经或圣经应用程序
            • 一张大海报纸或白板


            1. 开场讨论 (10 分钟):

            • 引导问题: 问小组:“你常常挣扎的一个负面思想是什么?”
            • 鼓励每个人简短分享。
            • 解释说我们每个人都会面临负面思想,但耶稣赐给我们克服它们的力量,并使我们拥有健全的心思意念。

            2. 识别负面思想 (10 分钟):

            • 步骤 1: 给每个人分发索引卡或纸片和笔。
            • 步骤 2: 让每个人写下一个他们常常挣扎的负面思想(例如,“我不够好”,“我总是失败”,“没有人关心我”)。
            • 步骤 3: 参与者可以选择保密,或者根据自己的舒适度与小组分享。

            3. 圣经真理交换 (15 分钟):

            • 步骤 1: 把大家两两分组,或分成3-4人的小组。
            • 步骤 2: 小组一起查找圣经中直接针对这些负面思想的经文。例如:
            • “我不够好”以弗所书 2:10 - “我们原是他的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的。”
            • “我总是失败”腓立比书 4:13 - “我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做。”
            • “没有人关心我”罗马书 8:38-39 - “没有什么能使我们与神的爱隔绝。”
            • 步骤 3: 让每个参与者写下与他们的负面思想相对的经文。鼓励他们这样宣告:“我不再相信[负面思想],我将持守[圣经真理]。”

            4. 共同更新心思意念 (15 分钟):

            • 步骤 1: 让大家回到一起,读出他们选择的正面经文(不需要分享负面思想,除非他们愿意)。
            • 步骤 2: 使用海报纸或白板创建一个“我们持守的真理”列表。把每个人的经文写下来,作为对神话语的宣告。
            • 步骤 3: 安静祷告几分钟,求耶稣更新我们的心思意念,用祂的真理代替消极思想,并引导我们进入健全的心思。

            5. 祷告和鼓励 (10 分钟):

            • 步骤 1: 围成一个圈,邀请愿意的人祷告,感谢神的真理,祈求力量克服负面思想。
            • 步骤 2: 以祝福祷告结束,宣告提摩太后书 1:7,求神赐给每个人力量、仁爱和健全的心思。

            6. 带回家的挑战:

            • 鼓励每个参与者将他们选择的经文贴在可见的地方(例如镜子上、手机提醒里、或日记本上),并在这一周每天默想。
            • 下周询问小组成员,这一周他们如何通过默想这节经文来对抗负面思想,并体验耶稣的平安。


            这个活动帮助我们实践将每一个负面思想都带到神的话语面前(哥林多后书 10:5)。通过小组中的圣经学习和共同更新心思意念,我们学会了以耶稣基督的爱和力量生活,拥有健全的心思意念。

            1. Jesus is My Sound Mind

              Agape House Fellowship

              Jesus Is Series #9

              "Jesus is My Sound Mind"

              How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

              by Coach K


              “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

              2 Timothy 1:7

              Coach K’s Message Video:


              Video play time: 00:00 -33:09

              Imagine a 3-year-old girl named Ashley standing in her bathroom, singing confidently, “I like my whole house, I can do anything good and better than anyone!” Her mother captured the moment, and 22 million people watched the video. Some commented, “She’s too young to know what she’s saying.” But does she have a sound mind? What do you think?

              The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” So what is a sound mind? It is a mind that has been delivered, rescued, revived, and made secure through Jesus Christ. Our minds are redeemed by the blood of Jesus and sanctified by the power of His Spirit.

              A Sound Mind Takes Time

              While many Christians expect an immediate transformation after being baptized, sometimes the sound mind doesn’t come instantly. God’s promise is true, but He may allow the process of developing a sound mind to be part of our walk with Christ. It is a journey where we share in Christ’s suffering and redemption. Jesus said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). It’s a redeeming process, and part of that process is battling and overcoming negative thoughts.

              Real-Life Scenario: Carl’s Negative Thoughts

              Let’s take a real-life example. Carl is a student who got a C on his homework. Immediately, he starts thinking, “I’m going to fail everything,” or “I’m not a good test taker. I’m stupid. I’ll avoid taking tests altogether.” This thought grows over time, and when Carl goes for his first job interview or tries to ask a girl out, the same thoughts hold him back: “I’ll fail anyway.”

              Carl is struggling with what we call negative self-labeling—a tendency to overgeneralize, assuming that failures in one area mean failures in every area. Biblically, this is called self-condemnation through guilt and shame. Guilt comes from inside us, while shame often comes from external pressures—society, culture, or family. Both can lead to performance-driven lives, making us feel that we have to be perfect to be accepted.

              The Seeds of Overgeneralization

              Negative self-labeling is like a seed. Once planted, it grows and can overtake our minds. It makes us draw broad, harmful conclusions about our worth or abilities based on a single failure. For example:

              • Filtering: You focus only on the negative aspects of a situation, ignoring any positive outcomes.
              • Personalizing: When something bad happens, you automatically blame yourself, even if it’s not entirely your fault.

              Overcoming Negative Thoughts Through Jesus

              So how do we overcome these negative thoughts through God’s redeeming power? One powerful example comes from Shammah Gara, a Christian girl and pastor’s daughter. In her book “Neither Do I,” she shares her experience of becoming pregnant out of wedlock. Despite choosing not to have an abortion, she carried deep shame and sorrow for months while putting on a brave face for the world. Inside, she was broken. But this story is not just about her fall—it’s about how Jesus restored her, healed her, and brought her salvation and strength.

              Just like the woman caught in adultery in John 8:11, Jesus stood up for Shammah. When everyone wanted to condemn the woman, Jesus bent down and quietly wrote in the dirt. He didn’t engage in the accusations of guilt and shame. He fought against the negative self-labeling that others were trying to impose on her.

              Jesus Fights for Our Sound Mind

              When we bring our negative thoughts to Jesus and claim Him as our sound mind, He does something powerful. Not only did Jesus die for our sins, but He also battled the negative thoughts that come from guilt and shame. Jesus took a stand for you and me, choosing to be silent in the face of accusations so that we might be free. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

              The enemy works overtime to keep us in shame because he knows that shame separates us from God’s love. But when we come to Jesus, He fights for our intimacy with God. In worship, we practice surrendering our negative thoughts, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us to a place where nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39).

              Steps to Overcoming Negative Thoughts:

              1. Recognize the Lie: Just like Carl, we must recognize when we are overgeneralizing or labeling ourselves negatively. Identify the root of the thought and bring it to Jesus.
              2. Claim a Sound Mind in Christ: Remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. In moments of doubt or guilt, declare this truth over your life.
              3. Silence the Voices of Guilt and Shame: Just as Jesus silenced the crowd when they tried to shame the woman, we can silence the voices of guilt and shame by focusing on Jesus’ love and forgiveness.
              4. Worship Through the Battle: In worship, we acknowledge that Jesus is closer than ever, fighting for our minds and our peace. Lay down every negative thought at His feet.


              Jesus is your sound mind. When negative thoughts arise, remember that He has already fought and won the battle for your mind. Come to Him, stand with Him, and let His Spirit guide you into the fullness of a sound, redeemed, and restored mind. When you are weak, He is strong, and His perfect power works for you.

              Small Group Activity: "Renewing Our Minds with Jesus"


              To help participants recognize and overcome negative thoughts by renewing their minds with the truth of God’s Word, fostering a sound mind through fellowship, prayer, and practical application.

              Scripture Focus:

              2 Timothy 1:7 - “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

              Materials Needed:

              • Index cards or pieces of paper
              • Pens
              • Bible or Bible app
              • A large poster board or whiteboard

              Activity Breakdown:

              1. Opening Discussion (10 minutes):

              • Question to Start: Ask the group, "What is a negative thought that you often struggle with?"
              • Encourage everyone to share briefly.
              • Explain that we all face negative thoughts, but Jesus gives us the power to overcome them and live with a sound mind.

              2. Identifying Negative Thoughts (10 minutes):

              • Step 1: Hand out index cards or pieces of paper and pens to everyone.
              • Step 2: Ask each person to write down one recurring negative thought that they struggle with (e.g., “I’m not good enough,” “I always fail,” “Nobody cares about me”).
              • Step 3: Let participants keep this thought private (if they choose) or share it with the group, depending on their comfort level.

              3. Scripture Truth Swap (15 minutes):

              • Step 1: Pair people up or divide them into small groups of 3-4.
              • Step 2: As a group, look up Bible verses that speak directly to the negative thoughts written down. Some examples could be:
              • “I’m not good enough”Ephesians 2:10 - “For we are God’s masterpiece.”
              • “I always fail”Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
              • “Nobody cares about me”Romans 8:38-39 - “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.”
              • Step 3: Have each participant write down the scripture that directly counters their negative thought. Encourage them to speak the truth over themselves: “Instead of believing [negative thought], I will hold onto [scripture truth].”

              4. Renewing Our Minds Together (15 minutes):

              • Step 1: Bring everyone together and ask them to read their positive scripture aloud (without needing to share their negative thought if they prefer).
              • Step 2: As a group, use the poster board or whiteboard to create a list of “Truths We Hold Onto.” Write down everyone’s scriptures as a declaration of God’s truth.
              • Step 3: Spend a few moments in quiet prayer, asking Jesus to renew your minds, replace negativity with His truth, and guide you into a sound mind.

              5. Prayer and Encouragement (10 minutes):

              • Step 1: Gather in a circle and invite anyone who feels led to pray, thanking God for His truth and asking for strength to overcome negative thoughts.
              • Step 2: Close with a prayer of blessing, declaring 2 Timothy 1:7 over the group and asking God to give each person the power, love, and sound mind promised in His Word.

              6. Take-Home Challenge:

              • Encourage each participant to post their chosen scripture somewhere visible during the week (e.g., on a mirror, in a phone reminder, or on a journal) and reflect on it daily.
              • Next week, ask the group to share how focusing on that scripture helped them counter negative thoughts and experience Jesus' peace.


              This activity helps us practice bringing every negative thought captive to the truth of God’s Word (2 Corinthians 10:5). By focusing on scripture and renewing our minds together as a small group, we learn to live with a sound mind, anchored in the love and power of Jesus Christ.

              1.  — Edited

                Finding Abundance in Christ

                Agape House Fellowship

                Jesus Is Series #8

                "Jesus is More Than Enough 2 

                - Finding Abundance in Christ"

                by Coach K


                “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

                2 Corinthians 12:9

                Coach K’s Message Video:


                Video play time: 25:05 -43:15

                We often question if we have enough—enough time, resources, and even love. But when we embrace that Jesus is more than enough, we gain a new perspective on abundance, rooted in His grace and strength.

                Time: How Much Time is Enough?

                A common challenge during the pandemic was the tension between parents and young people over time spent on video games or social media. Many struggled with procrastination, feeling unmotivated or even overwhelmed. It’s estimated that around 25-30% of young people deal with procrastination, often because they’re waiting for the perfect moment to act. But Jesus reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

                Instead of waiting for the ideal circumstances, we can turn to Jesus, acknowledging that we aren’t perfect, and allowing His strength to fill those gaps. When we say, “Jesus, I delight in my weakness through You. When I am weak, I am strong,” we invite His presence into our daily lives. He will help us prioritize what truly matters and empower us to overcome procrastination.

                Stephen Covey once said, “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” When we lean on Jesus, He helps us focus on the important things, shifting our priorities to align with His purpose for our lives.

                Treasure: How Much Money is Enough?

                Many of us wonder, “How much money is enough?” We’re surrounded by messages that tell us to accumulate more, but Jesus teaches us a different way. In Matthew 13:12, He says, “Whoever has, to him more shall be given…” This passage highlights the importance of being faithful with what we have.

                Being faithful in the little things means managing our finances wisely, paying off debts, and living within our means. Giving to God and providing for our families are acts of trust, acknowledging that God is our ultimate provider. As we honor Him with our resources, He blesses us, often in ways beyond just financial gain. This isn’t about accumulating wealth, but about building habits that reflect our trust in God.

                Relationships: Jesus is Our More Than Enough

                In relationships, we sometimes feel like we’re not enough, or that others aren’t enough for us. These feelings can lead to a sense of inadequacy or frustration. But Jesus invites us to find our identity in Him. We are called to a spiritual rebirth through His love, which empowers us to love ourselves and others fully.

                2 Corinthians 12:10 reminds us that in our weaknesses, insults, hardships, and persecutions, we find strength in Jesus. He is the one who loves us unconditionally and offers us the security we seek. When we trust that He is more than enough, we can approach relationships with grace, knowing that His love fills every gap.

                The Key to Living “More Than Enough”

                We’re called to battle the inner voices that tell us we’re not enough. Jesus meets us in our weaknesses and shows us that we are His beloved, empowered to live a life of abundance. In time, treasure, and relationships, Jesus is more than enough for every need we have. When we recognize our limitations, that’s where His sufficiency shines the brightest. His grace is made perfect in our weaknesses, guiding us to live purposefully and faithfully each day.

                So, let’s choose to heed Jesus’ voice, embracing His promise that He is more than enough in every area of our lives. Whether we feel we lack time, resources, or love, we can trust in His strength and provision. Through Christ, we find that we truly have all we need, and much more besides.

                Small Group Discussion: Applying “Jesus is More Than Enough” in Real-Life Scenarios

                Introduction: Jesus calls us to recognize that He is more than enough for all our needs. Let’s discuss how to apply this truth in real-life situations, focusing on time, finances, and relationships.

                Discussion Questions:

                1 Time: Overcoming Procrastination

                • Scenario: Sarah is a college student who often procrastinates on her assignments. She waits for the “right” mood to study, but ends up spending hours on social media instead. This leaves her feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
                • Discussion: How could Sarah apply the principle of 2 Corinthians 12:9, acknowledging her weakness and trusting in Jesus' strength, to manage her time better? What steps can she take to prioritize her studies this week?

                2 Treasure: Faithfulness in Financial Stewardship

                • Scenario: Mike recently started a job and is struggling to make ends meet. He wants to save and give but feels like he barely has enough to cover his expenses.
                • Discussion: How can Mike apply Matthew 13:12, focusing on being faithful with what he has? Discuss small steps Mike can take to steward his finances and trust that Jesus will provide for his needs.

                3 Relationships: Finding Security in Jesus

                • Scenario: Emily often feels like she’s not enough in her friendships, constantly worrying that people don’t like her or that she has to prove herself.
                • Discussion: How can Emily embrace her identity in Christ as described in Ephesians 2:10, finding her worth in Jesus rather than in others’ opinions? What practical ways can she remind herself that Jesus’ love is more than enough?

                Practical Application: Each of these situations presents challenges in trusting Jesus. Share one action you can take this week to apply these biblical principles in your life.

                Conclusion: Close in prayer, asking God to show His sufficiency in every area. Encourage one another to trust that Jesus is more than enough for every need and situation.

                1. 耶稣是我的一切


                  耶稣是系列 #6




                  "神能照着运行在我们心里的大力,充充足足地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的。"—以弗所书 3:20

                  Coach K 讲道视频:



                  Video play time: 00:00 -25:05



                  我们常常在关系中感到不够,问自己“我是否足够好?”或“我是否做得够多?”有时,我们甚至到了无法继续宽恕的地步。可是,耶稣教导我们完全地去爱,并像祂一样饶恕我们。他提醒我们,我们是神的杰作,受造是为了祂的美好工作(以弗所书 2:10)。我们的身份不是基于别人是否认为我们够好,而是基于我们在基督里的重生。每天的顺服使我们经历属灵的重生,使我们有能力去爱和饶恕。


                  我们常常面对有限的时间压力,感到无法完成所有任务。但耶稣邀请我们将时间交托给祂,信靠祂使万事相互效力,为我们带来益处(罗马书 8:28)。关键不是我们有多少时间,而是我们如何为神的目的使用它。我们用于事奉神和爱他人的时间变得丰富,充满了祂超越人理解的平安(腓立比书 4:7)。


                  我们总是被告知需要更多财富才能满足,然而,耶稣告诉我们,真正的财富不是来自物质上的满足,而是存在于天上。我们被召唤去爱神和爱他人(马太福音 22:37-39)。耶稣的平安来自认识祂是我们真正的满足来源,而不是世俗的财富。




                  1. 我们是祂的杰作(以弗所书 2:10):
                  2. 耶稣告诉我们,“你是我的杰作,受造是为了美好的工作。”这不是指我们在世俗意义上的足够,而是指我们在祂里面的属灵重生。我们的价值不在于我们的能力或成就,而在于我们在基督里成为新的受造物,按照祂的旨意而行。
                  3. 通过耶稣的属灵重生(以弗所书 2:8):
                  4. 耶稣邀请我们进入一个每日更新的属灵重生过程。这不是一次性的事件,而是每日与祂同行的旅程。每天,当我们顺服祂的旨意并跟随祂的引导时,我们正在被塑造成神创造我们时的样子。
                  5. 神在我们生命中的创造性能力(罗马书 8:28):
                  6. 当我们将自由意志交给神的完美旨意时,祂可以在我们的生活中施行创造性的奇迹。即使在最艰难的环境中,耶稣也展示了祂远远足够,能够使一切为那些爱祂的人效力,带来益处。
                  7. 爱是最大的诫命(马太福音 22:37-39):
                  8. 在“足够”的核心是爱——爱神和爱他人。耶稣说,最大的诫命就是全心全意地爱神,并像爱自己一样爱邻舍。这种爱赋予我们丰盛的生命。耶稣是足够的,让我们能够活出这些诫命,充满祂的爱,并让这爱溢出到他人生命中。




                  引言: 威廉·布莱克曾说:“除非你知道什么是‘远远超越’,否则你永远不知道什么是‘足够’。” 这个想法挑战我们去思考,是否真正认识到耶稣远远超越我们一切需求。让我们探讨耶稣如何满足并超越我们的期望。



                  • 在你生活的哪些领域(关系、时间或资源)你感到不够?你通常如何填补这些空缺?
                  • 认识到耶稣是足够的,会如何改变你对这些领域的看法?


                  • 阅读 腓立比书 4:19: “我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。”
                  • 这节经文如何回应你在感到不足时的挣扎?
                  • 阅读 哥林多后书 12:9: “我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全。”
                  • 讨论耶稣的恩典如何在你生命中显得足够,特别是在软弱或不足的地方。


                  • 当我们感到不足时,如何提醒自己耶稣远远足够?分享一些可以在生活中更信靠耶稣的实际步骤。


                  • 回顾丹尼尔的故事,他通过基督的力量克服了身体上的挑战,实现了自己的梦想。你生活中的哪些领域需要像丹尼尔一样信靠耶稣?

                  总结: 一起祷告,求神帮助我们在生活的每个领域体验到祂的充足。鼓励彼此优先寻求耶稣,相信祂能满足我们一切的需要。

                  1. Jesus is More Than Enough

                    Agape House Fellowship

                    Jesus Is Series #7

                    "Jesus is More Than Enough -1"

                    by Coach K


                    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

                    Ephesians 3:20

                    Coach K’s Message Video:


                    Video play time: 00:00 -25:05

                    In life, we often struggle with questions like, “Am I enough?” or “When will I have enough?” These questions affect our relationships, time, and treasures. Whether we are searching for fulfillment in love, chasing success, or seeking peace, the truth is this: Jesus is more than enough for us in every aspect of our lives.

                    Relationships: “Am I Enough?”

                    Many times in relationships, we may feel inadequate. We ask, "Am I good enough?" or "Have I done enough?" Or perhaps we're on the other side, feeling like we've had enough. We might reach the point where forgiveness feels impossible, or we’re ready to give up. But remember, Jesus teaches us to love fully and forgive as He forgave us. He reminds us that we are God’s masterpiece, created for His good works (Ephesians 2:10). Our identity isn’t shaped by whether we are “enough” for someone else, but by our rebirth in Christ. Through daily obedience, we live out a spiritual rebirth that strengthens us to love and forgive.

                    Time: “Do I Have Enough Time?”

                    The pressure to accomplish everything within a limited time is a common challenge. We constantly ask, "Is there enough time?" But Jesus invites us to surrender our time to Him, trusting that He makes all things work for good (Romans 8:28). It’s not about how much time we have, but how we use it for God's purposes. The time we dedicate to serving Him and loving others becomes abundant time, filled with His peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

                    Treasure: “How Much is Enough?”

                    How much money or success is enough? Society often tells us we need more to be satisfied, but Jesus tells us that true treasure is not found in material wealth. Instead, our treasure is in Heaven, where we are called to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39). Jesus’ peace comes from recognizing that He is our true source of fulfillment, not worldly riches.

                    Testimony: Jesus is More Than Enough for Daniel

                    Daniel, who was born with Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome, faced challenges that many would consider overwhelming. Despite his struggles, Daniel pursued his passions, such as technology and adventure, and even achieved his dream of skydiving. Through it all, his family never gave up, trusting Jesus to be more than enough. Today, Daniel works at Tesla and continues to pursue his dreams. His story is a powerful reminder that Jesus can do more than we can imagine when we trust Him.

                    Jesus’ Answer to “Am I Enough?”

                    1. We Are His Masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10):

                    Jesus answers, "You are My masterpiece, created for good works." This isn’t about whether we’re good enough in a worldly sense—it’s about the spiritual rebirth we experience in Him. Our worth is not found in our abilities or achievements but in the fact that we are new creations in Christ, called for His purpose.

                    2. Spiritual Rebirth Through Jesus (Ephesians 2:8):

                    Jesus invites us to a daily process of spiritual rebirth. This isn’t a one-time event but a daily walk with Him. Each day, as we submit to His will and follow His leading, we are being transformed into the person God created us to be.

                    3. God’s Creative Power in Us (Romans 8:28):

                    When we submit our free will to God’s perfect will, He can perform creative miracles in our lives. Even in the hardest circumstances, Jesus shows us that He is more than enough to turn everything into good for those who love Him. He doesn’t just fix our problems; He makes us thrive through them.

                    4. Love Is the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39):

                    At the heart of being "enough" is love—loving God and loving others. Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This love empowers us to live fruitfully and fully. Jesus is more than enough for us to live out these commandments, filling us with His love so that we can overflow into the lives of others.

                    The Key to Living “More Than Enough”

                    The moment we recognize that we are not enough is the moment Jesus steps in. It’s not about striving to be enough in our own strength but resting in the truth that Jesus is more than enough for us. This shift in perspective changes everything, from how we approach our relationships, time, and treasures to how we see ourselves in God’s eyes.

                    Small Group Discussion: Jesus is More Than Enough

                    Introduction: William Blake once said, "You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough." This thought challenges us to consider where we seek fulfillment and whether we truly know that Jesus is more than enough for us. Let's explore how Jesus can meet our needs and exceed our expectations.

                    Discussion Questions:

                    1.Reflect on Areas of “Enough”:

                    • Are there areas in your life (relationships, time, or resources) where you feel you don’t have enough? How do you typically try to fill these gaps?
                    • How can recognizing that Jesus is more than enough change your approach in these areas?

                    2.Scripture Discussion:

                    • Read Philippians 4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."
                    • How does this scripture speak to your personal struggles with feeling like you don’t have enough?
                    • Read 2 Corinthians 12:9: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
                    • Discuss how Jesus’ grace has been sufficient in your life or could be in areas of weakness or inadequacy.

                    3.Practical Application:

                    • How can we daily remind ourselves that Jesus is more than enough, even when we feel like we’re lacking? Share practical steps you can take to trust Jesus more in specific areas of your life.

                    4.Testimony Reflection:

                    • Reflect on the story of Daniel, who overcame physical challenges and pursued his dreams through Christ’s strength. What areas in your life do you need to trust Jesus as more than enough, just like Daniel did?

                    Conclusion: Pray together, asking God to help you experience His sufficiency in every area of life. Encourage one another to seek Jesus first, trusting that He is more than enough to meet all your needs.