• 耶稣是我的GPS


    耶稣是系列 #5




    约翰福音 9:3

    Coach K 讲道视频:



    (播放时间: 17:20 - 35:07)

    耶稣是我的GPS,掌握可能的力量。我在此激发你的属灵旅程,使用一个令人振奋的真理:耶稣是你的终极 GPS——神的定位系统,神的可能性系统,和神的力量系统。这不仅仅是关于导航;这是关于通过耶稣的活跃和动态指引进行转变和授权。


    在复杂的生活迷宫中,各种声音争夺注意,而评判往往刺痛人心,约翰福音 9:1-2 向我们展示了另一种方式。耶稣没有被责备缠住,而是将我们引向神圣的目的。祂的声音穿透混乱,校准我们的属灵指南针。拥抱这一点:祂的指引是你克服生活中的评判和指责的路线图。


    约翰福音 9:3 不仅仅是一个经文;这是一个革命性的呼召,通过神圣的可能性的镜头来看待生活。耶稣挑战我们超越可见的,相信非凡的。每一个情况,无论多么黯淡,都充满了展现神荣耀的潜力。记住,“在神凡事都能”(马太福音 19:26)。采纳这种心态,观看你的生活从平凡转变为奇迹!


    约翰福音 9:6 中的治愈奇迹不仅仅关于物理视力;它是属灵突破的隐喻。当耶稣混合泥土和唾液时,祂在教导我们神的方法超出我们的理解,但却完美有效。无论祂的指示看起来多么非传统,都要接受。你的顺服可能是解锁神治愈和力量在你生活中的关键。





    引言: 今天,我们将探讨如何在生活的各个领域中实际应用我们的信仰,这启发于耶稣是我们的GPS——神的定位系统的信心。我们将从学业工作、个人、社区和精神等多个维度进行探讨。

    阅读:1. 学业工作挑战: 在你的学业或职业道路看似充满不可能的情况下——无论是困难的大学入学或竞争激烈的职场——请记住那位盲人的故事。正如耶稣使用普通的泥土来施行奇迹一样,神可以使用你看似普通的技能和机会来创造非凡的成果。为指引祷告,即使是在小决策中也要迈出信心的步伐,观察神如何将你的努力转化为超出预期的成功。

    • 分享一个你在学业或职业中遇到看似不可能的挑战的经历。你是如何看见神在那情况下作工的?
    • 本周你可以采取哪些实际步骤,让神介入你的学术或职业决策?

    阅读:2. 个人和人际关系挑战: 面对个人挑战或人际关系冲突时,用你的信仰来看到其他人看到死胡同的可能性。如果你在原谅、个人成长或复杂关系上有困难,考虑一下“在西罗亚池洗澡”对你意味着什么。这可能是修复关系的第一步或寻求咨询。按照神的引导行事,相信他正在为你的利益安排一切。

    • 讨论一个你需要神介入的个人挑战或人际关系问题。你如何应用“到西罗亚池洗澡”的原则于这种情况?
    • 信仰如何改变你处理这些个人挑战的方式?

    阅读:3. 参与社区和服务: 在你的社区参与中激活神的可能性。无论是志愿服务、领导事工还是简单地帮助邻居,都要抱着你的小小贡献可以产生巨大影响的心态去做这些事。记住,耶稣使用当时手边的东西(泥土和唾液)来实现改变;同样地,利用你现有的资源和机会来服务,相信神可以通过它们做成伟大的事情。

    • 反思你当前在社区或教会的参与情况。你在哪里看到神可以用你的小小努力产生更大的影响?
    • 你可以开始什么小的、实际的方式来服务或增加你的参与?

    阅读:4. 成长和影响力: 随着你信仰的成长,让耶稣引导你的属灵旅程。深入研究圣经,加入信仰社区,并寻求指导。当神的声音促使你作出更深的承诺——可能是开始一个祷告小组,或分享你的见证——用顺服来回应。信仰中的每一步都是迈向更大属灵成熟和影响力的一步。

    • 在你的信仰成长中,让耶稣指引你的精神旅程。深入研读圣经,加入信仰团体,寻求指导。当神的声音促使你更深地承诺——可能是开始一个祷告小组,或分享你的见证——用顺服来回应。
    • 你现在的精神生活中,‘顺从耶稣的指示’是什么样的?

    总结: 以为彼此祈祷结束,重点祈求神在你们的生活中显现他的可能性,并赋予行动的勇气。

    1. 耶稣是我的声音2



      耶稣是系列 #3




      约翰福音 10:27

      Coach K 讲道视频:

      视频链接2 https://youtu.be/JIVpMCLc06Y?feature=shared(播放时间: 150:17 - 49:14)











      Barbara Wentroble曾说:“作为神在地上的代表,他赋予了我们为他说话的权柄。当我们在圣灵的引导下说话时,我们就是在地上作为他的声音说话。”这说明了我们在需要时成为神之声的责任。我们可以通过为我们的孩子的未来——属灵的、关系的和财务的——祈祷来开始,并将神的旨意宣告在他们的生命中。




      小组讨论 1:用你的声音为神的荣耀

      介绍: 我们的声音是神赐予的强大工具。它们可以建设也可以摧毁,带来生命或造成伤害。我们如何使用声音反映了我们与神的同行。

      讨论问题: 反思雅各书3:5:你如何在生活中经历过言语的力量——无论是积极的还是消极的?分享一次你的言语产生重大影响的经历。

      实际应用: 本周,找一个可以用你的声音为他人带来生命的场合。无论是通过鼓励、祷告,还是为真理发声,如何确保你的声音与神的旨意一致?

      行动步骤: 承诺注意你的言语。考虑背诵箴言18:21,“生死在舌头的权下”,并用它来提醒自己要有意图和目的地说话。

      小组讨论 2:测试和信任声音

      介绍: 我们周围充满了许多声音——媒体、文化、我们内心的想法——可能会引导我们偏离正道。辨别神的声音并沉默不健康的声音至关重要。

      讨论问题: 反思箴言6:16-19和箴言12:22:在日常生活中,你遇到的常见“撒谎的舌头”是什么?你如何根据神的话语测试这些声音?

      实际应用: 在接下来的一周里,专注于你在与不健康内心声音作斗争时遇到的一个特定领域。你如何利用祷告、圣经和社区支持来对抗这些负面影响?

      1.  — Edited

        Jesus is My Voice 2

        Agape House Fellowship

        Jesus Is Series #4

        "Jesus is My Voice 2"

        by Coach K


        “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

        John 10:27

        Coach K’s Message Video:


        Video play time: 15:25 -49:14

        Everyone has been given a unique and powerful voice by God, and it is essential not to waste it. The Bible reminds us that our voices can be used for both good and evil. James 3:5 says, "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." This verse highlights the power of our words, urging us to use our voices in ways that glorify God and build up others.

        Many struggle with how to use their voice in alignment with God’s will. Proverbs 31:8-9 encourages us to "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves," while also reminding us not to overshadow or replace their voices with our narratives. God has given everyone a distinct and authentic voice, and it’s vital to recognize and honor that uniqueness in others.

        Women, Your Voice is Unique and Authentic!

        Women, especially within the church, have a unique and authentic voice. Throughout the Bible, women have played crucial roles, using their voices to make significant impacts. The first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus was a woman (John 20:14-18). This underscores that while men and women may use their voices differently, both are called to use them for God’s purposes.

        Consider the prayer of a woman who desires to use her voice for God’s glory: "I want to be a woman who overcomes obstacles in faith rather than tiptoeing around them in fear, who worships in awe of your goodness instead of worrying about the what-ifs. I want to be a lioness, raising up to protect Your children and boldly speaking the truth whenever You call me."

        Test Every Voice Against God’s Word

        We must be vigilant in testing the voices we hear, including our own, against the truth of God’s Word. Proverbs 6:16-19 warns us about things that God hates, including "a lying tongue." Are we guilty of lying, even in subtle ways, to manipulate situations, avoid accountability, or create false self-esteem? Proverbs 12:22 reminds us that God delights in those who are trustworthy. We must carry this discernment into every aspect of our lives, including what we consume in media and social networks.

        Becoming God’s Voice for Breakthrough

        A transformative question to ask yourself is, "What do you really want? What exactly do you anticipate or hope to happen in your life?" This introspection often leads to breakthroughs when done before God. Similarly, we should consider what young people today truly want and hope for in their lives.

        Barbara Wentroble once said, "As God’s representative on the earth, He has given us the authority to speak for Him. When we speak under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we speak as His voice on the earth." This speaks to the responsibility we have to be God’s voice, especially in times of need. We can start by praying for our children’s future—spiritually, relationally, and financially—and voicing God’s will over their lives.

        When we become God’s voice for breakthrough, let’s remember Psalm 29:3-4, which describes God’s voice as powerful, majestic, and holy. Isaiah 58:12 calls us to be "Repairers of Broken Walls," meaning we are called to use our voices to repair, rebuild, and restore in a world filled with chaos.

        Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Voice

        God has given each of us a voice, not to be squandered, but to be used for His glory. As Psalm 29 shows, God’s voice is a force for creation and transformation. Let us strive to ensure that our voices, too, reflect His power, majesty, and truth. Pray that your voice may be touched by God’s fire and power, becoming a beacon of hope and a tool for His purposes. Whether through prayer, encouragement, or speaking truth, your voice has the potential to bring about God’s breakthrough in the lives of others.

        Small Group Discussion 1: Using Your Voice for God’s Glory


        Our voices are powerful tools given by God. They can either build up or tear down, bring life or cause harm. How we use our voices reflects our walk with God.

        Discussion Questions:

        1. Reflect on James 3:5: How have you experienced the power of words in your life—both positively and negatively? Share a time when your words had a significant impact.
        2. Practical Application: This week, identify a situation where you can use your voice to speak life into someone. Whether through encouragement, prayer, or standing up for truth, how can you ensure your voice aligns with God’s will?

        Action Step:

        Commit to being mindful of your words. Consider memorizing Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the power of life and death," and use it as a reminder to speak with intention and purpose.

        Small Group Discussion 2: Testing and Trusting Voices


        We are surrounded by many voices—media, culture, our own inner thoughts—that can lead us astray. It’s crucial to discern God’s voice and silence the unhealthy ones.

        Discussion Questions:

        1. Reflect on Proverbs 6:16-19 and Proverbs 12:22: What are some common “lying tongues” you encounter in daily life? How can you test these voices against God’s Word?
        2. Practical Application: In the coming week, focus on a specific area where you’ve struggled with unhealthy inner voices. How can you use prayer, scripture, and community support to combat these negative influences?

        1. Agape House Fellowship - Sunday Services on 8/25🌟 Date: August 25, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM Location: Tungyu Tsai House 25 Kinglet Drive South Cranbury, New Jersey 08512
          1. Attention all couples! On Monday, August 26th, we're hosting a special Husband and Wife Night at Crab Du Jour // Flaming Grill Buffet in Hamilton. The event will start at 7 PM, and the cost is just $10.00 per person. Enjoy a delicious meal, followed by a video and a short discussion. It promises to be a wonderful evening, and we’d love for you to join us! Don't miss out on this great night of fellowship. See you there! Direction to Crab De Jour: https://maps.app.goo.gl/akD2zEYBvQo3C5eu9
            1.  — Edited



              耶稣是系列 #3

              耶稣是我的声音 1



              约翰福音 10:27

              Coach K 讲道视频1:

              视频链接1 https://youtu.be/VGSTHyPhFrU?feature=shared(播放时间: 00:00 - 09:54)

              视频链接2 https://youtu.be/JIVpMCLc06Y?feature=shared(播放时间: 00:00 - 15:25)



              圣经从神的声音开始。在创世记 1:3 中,“神说:‘要有光’,就有了光。” 祂的话语带来了秩序、光明和生命。这突显了声音的巨大力量——正是通过祂的声音,创造本身才得以实现。同样,神也赐给我们每个人声音来塑造我们的世界,说出生命,并宣告祂的真理。


              诗篇 139:14 中,诗人宣告:“我要称谢你,因为我受造奇妙可畏。” 这节经文强调了每个人的独特性,包括神赐给你的独特声音。Nathan Warlick 通过他的专辑《Over Yonder》,在疫情期间用他独特的声音触及了他人。他的歌词提醒我们,神听见了每一次呼喊,就像祂听见了约瑟从坑中发出的呼救(创世记 37:23-28)。神总是在聆听,并通过祂的回应改变生命。

              声音之战:神的声音 vs. 我们内心的声音

              我们常常与内心的声音作斗争,这些声音与神的声音相冲突。这些内心的声音可能会回响疑虑、恐惧或与神的真理不符的言语。在约翰福音 10:27 中,耶稣说:“我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟着我。” 这节经文鼓励我们在喧嚣中分辨神的声音,并紧紧跟随祂。


              在雅各书 1:19 中,我们被提醒要“快快地听,慢慢地说。” 这节经文引导我们如何使用我们的声音——首先听神的声音,然后按照祂的旨意说话。我们越多与神对话,就越能辨认出祂的声音。通过祷告、敬拜和默想祂的话语与祂进行定期的对话,使我们能够对抗内心的负面声音,并说出生命与真理。


              箴言 18:21 教导我们:“生死在舌头的权下。” 这表明我们的言语可以产生深远的影响。神赐给你的声音是独特且有目的的。就像创造世界的声音一样,你的声音有能力带来改变、激励他人,并荣耀神。不要让它被浪费。无论是通过言语、书写,还是创造性的表达方式,让你的声音成为基督之爱和真理的反映。



              介绍: 在信仰的旅程中,我们常会遇到能够提升或打击我们的内心声音。区分神的声音和不健康的内心声音非常重要,这些声音可能受到敌人或我们自身不安全感的影响。

              讨论问题 1:识别你的内心声音的来源

              • 反思最近占据你心思的想法。它们是让你平静还是焦虑?是鼓励还是打击?
              • 如何辨别这些想法是来自神还是不健康的内心声音?可以参考以下对比:
              • 神的声音: 使人平静、安慰、提醒、鼓励、启迪、引导、安抚、让人安静。
              • 不健康的内心声音/敌人: 使人执着、忧虑、定罪、打击、困惑、催促、恐吓、急迫。
              • 分享一次你与不健康内心声音斗争的经历以及你是如何处理的。

              讨论问题 2:应对不健康内心声音的策略

              • 你可以采取哪些实际步骤,用神的真理取代不健康的内心声音?
              • 思考如何通过祷告、默想圣经和积极的自我肯定来帮助自己。
              • 如何将以下行动融入日常生活,以应对不健康的想法?
              • 祷告: 定期与神交流,寻求祂的平安与引导。
              • 圣经默想: 专注于提醒你神的爱和应许的经文。
              • 社区支持: 与信任的朋友或小组成员分享你的挣扎,彼此代祷和鼓励。
              • 讨论这些行动如何帮助你或可能帮助你消除负面想法,并与神的声音保持一致。

              结论: 当我们练习聆听神的声音时,我们会更加敏锐于祂的真理,并更好地应对不健康的内心声音。让我们在这一旅程中互相支持,彼此祷告和鼓励,将我们的心思集中在神那使人平静、安慰和安抚的声音上。

              1. Agape House Fellowship - Sunday Services on 8/18🌟 Date: August 18, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM Location: Tungyu Tsai House 25 Kinglet Drive South Cranbury, New Jersey 08512
                1. Jesus is My Voice

                   Agape House Fellowship

                  Jesus Is Series #3

                  "Jesus is My Voice 1"

                  by Coach K


                  “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

                  John 10:27

                  Coach K’s Message Video 1:


                  Video play time: 00:00 -09:54


                  Video play time: 00:00 -15:25

                  We all enter this world with a voice, a unique gift from God. From the very first cry of a newborn, our voices express who we are. Just as a mother can instantly recognize her child's voice in a crowded room, God knows and cherishes each of our voices. This truth serves as a powerful reminder that our voices are not just sounds—they are intentional, divine gifts meant to be used for His glory.

                  The Power of Voice in Creation

                  The Bible begins with the voice of God. In Genesis 1:3, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” His words brought order to chaos, light to darkness, and life to the void. This highlights the incredible power of voice—it is through His voice that creation itself came into being. Similarly, God has given each of us a voice to shape our world, to speak life, and to declare His truth.

                  Your Unique Voice Matters

                  The Psalmist declares in Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This verse underscores the uniqueness of each person, including the distinct voice God has given you. Nathan Warlick, through his album Over Yonder, used his unique voice to reach others during the pandemic. His lyrics remind us that God hears every cry, just as He heard Joseph’s plea from the pit (Genesis 37:23-28). God is always listening, and He responds by transforming lives.

                  Just as Warlick uses his voice to touch hearts, we too are called to use our God-given voice for His purposes. Whether through music, speaking, writing, or simply daily conversations, your voice has the power to influence, uplift, and bring others closer to Christ.

                  The Battle of Voices: God’s Voice vs. Our Inner Voices

                  We often struggle with inner voices that conflict with God’s voice. These inner voices may echo doubts, fears, or words from others that don’t align with God’s truth. It’s easy to find ourselves saying, “I can’t believe I just said that!”—a reflection of the battle within. In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” This verse encourages us to discern God’s voice amidst the noise and to follow Him closely.

                  John 1:1 tells us that Jesus is the Word—the ultimate voice that became flesh. He did not waste His voice, and neither should we. Just as Jesus used His voice to fulfill His mission, we are called to use ours to fulfill the purposes God has for us.

                  Practicing Your Voice with God

                  In James 1:19, we are reminded to be "quick to listen, slow to speak." This scripture guides us in how we should use our voice—first by listening to God’s voice and then by speaking in alignment with His will. The more we practice talking to God, the more attuned we become to His voice. Regular conversations with Him—through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word—enable us to combat the negative inner talk and to speak life and truth.

                  Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Voice

                  Proverbs 18:21 teaches, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” This underscores the profound impact our words can have. God has given you a voice that is distinct and purposeful. Like the voice that created the world, your voice has the power to bring about change, inspire, and glorify God. Don’t let it go to waste. Whether through spoken words, written expressions, or creative endeavors, let your voice be a reflection of Christ’s love and truth.

                  When we say, “Jesus is my voice,” we acknowledge that our words and expressions are ultimately rooted in Him. So speak boldly, live authentically, and let your voice be a beacon of God’s grace and power in a world that desperately needs to hear it. As you continue to grow in your faith, remember that your voice has been given to you for a reason—use it to proclaim the goodness of God and to make His name known.

                  Small Group Discussion: Combating Unhealthy Inner Voices

                  Introduction: In our journey of faith, we often encounter inner voices that can either uplift or tear us down. It's important to distinguish between God's voice and unhealthy inner voices, which can be influenced by the enemy or our own insecurities.

                  Discussion Question 1: Identifying the Source of Your Inner Voice

                  • Reflect on recent thoughts that have dominated your mind. Are they calming or obsessive? Encouraging or discouraging?
                  • How can you discern whether these thoughts are from God or an unhealthy inner voice? Use the following contrasts as a guide:

                  • God’s Voice: Calms, Comforts, Convicts, Encourages, Enlightens, Leads, Reassures, Stills.
                  • Unhealthy Inner Voice/Enemy: Obsesses, Worries, Condemns, Discourages, Confuses, Pushes, Frightens, Rushes.
                  • Share a time when you struggled with unhealthy inner voices and how you handled it.

                  Discussion Question 2: Strategies for Combating Unhealthy Inner Voices

                  • What practical steps can you take to replace unhealthy inner voices with God’s truth?
                  • Consider how engaging in prayer, scripture meditation, and positive affirmations might help.
                  • How can you incorporate the following actions into your daily routine to combat unhealthy thoughts?
                  • Prayer: Regularly communicate with God to seek His peace and guidance.
                  • Scripture Meditation: Focus on verses that remind you of God’s love and promises.
                  • Community Support: Share your struggles with a trusted friend or group member who can pray with you and offer encouragement.
                  • Discuss how practicing these actions has helped you or could help you in silencing negative thoughts and aligning with God’s voice.

                  Conclusion: As we practice listening to God’s voice, we become more attuned to His truth and better equipped to combat unhealthy inner voices. Let’s support each other in this journey, praying and encouraging one another to keep our minds focused on God’s calming, comforting, and reassuring voice.

                  1.  — Edited




                    耶稣是系列 #2




                    诗篇 16:5-9 (NKJV)



                    视频播放时间:22:02 -49:02




                    罗马书 8:31-32 提醒我们神爱之包罗万象的性质:“神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们?”认识耶稣为我们的份意味着承认祂是我们的一切。这一真理反映了Turner与他的哥哥Griffin之间的关系,在一个温暖的视频中,Griffin把他的兄弟视为最好的朋友,描述他们的关系为“一切”。同样,当我们沉浸于敬拜中,宣告耶稣是我们的份时,我们承认祂是我们所需的一切。


                    在我们的敬拜中,我们必须反思耶稣是否真的足够。晓薇的见证提供了一个有力的例子。尽管在护理学校期间面临不确定性,她选择留下来并带领同学们认识基督。通过将耶稣放在首位,晓薇发现了超出她预期的祝福。她的故事说明了当我们信任耶稣足够时所获得的满足感和喜悦,如马太福音 6:33 和箴言 10:22 中所描述的那样。


                    在敬拜时,我们也要认识到我们是耶稣的份。以赛亚书 53:12 提醒我们,通过祂的牺牲,耶稣为我们代求。这种相互关系反映了祂对我们的深厚爱意和承诺。正如路得被亲属救赎者赎回,我们也被基督赎回,祂视我们为自己珍爱的产业。



                    一起更深的敬拜: My Delight



                    讨论 1:耶稣是我们的全在 提示:反思耶稣在我们生活中“成为一切”的意义。分享个人经历,讲述你如何感受到耶稣提供了你所需的一切。我们如何将注意力从世俗欲望转移到拥抱耶稣作为我们的终极份上?考虑将这种视角融入到你的日常生活和敬拜实践中。

                    讨论 2:信靠耶稣足够 提示:讨论你曾经在相信耶稣足够时遇到的困难。我们如何培养对祂供给和足够的更深信任?分享在不确定的时刻依靠耶稣的策略,并鼓励彼此接受祂的应许。这种信任如何增强我们对祂的敬拜和关系?


                    1.  — Edited

                      Jesus is My Portion 2

                      Agape House Fellowship

                      Jesus Is Series #2

                      "Jesus is My Portion 2"

                      by Coach K


                      “O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.”

                      Psalms 16:5-9 (NKJV)

                      Coach K’s Message Video:


                      Video play time: 22:02 -49:02

                      Embracing Jesus as Our Portion: A Call to Deeper Worship

                      For a church community eager to deepen its worship and love for Jesus, the truth that "Jesus is my portion" offers a transformative journey of faith. This understanding invites us to see Jesus as everything we need and desire, enriching our worship experience and strengthening our connection to Him.

                      Jesus Is Our Everything

                      Romans 8:31-32 reminds us of the all-encompassing nature of God’s love: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Recognizing Jesus as our portion means acknowledging that He is our everything. This truth mirrors the relationship between Turner and his big brother Griffin in a heartwarming video. Griffin, who sees his brother as his best friend, describes their bond as "everything." Similarly, when we immerse ourselves in worship, declaring that Jesus is our portion, we acknowledge that He is everything we need.

                      Jesus Is Sufficient

                      In our worship, we must reflect on whether Jesus is truly enough for us. Hsiaowei’s testimony offers a powerful example of this. Despite facing uncertainties during her time in nursing school, she chose to stay and lead her classmates to Christ. By putting Jesus first, Hsiaowei discovered blessings beyond her expectations. Her story illustrates the fulfillment and joy that come when we trust that Jesus is enough, as described in Matthew 6:33 and Proverbs 10:22.

                      We Are Jesus’s Portion

                      As we worship, we also recognize that we are Jesus’s portion. Isaiah 53:12 reminds us that through His sacrifice, Jesus made intercession for us. This mutual relationship reflects His deep love and commitment to us. Just as Ruth was redeemed by a kinsman-redeemer, we are redeemed by Christ, who sees us as His cherished inheritance.


                      For a church community striving to worship Jesus more deeply, embracing the truth that "Jesus is my portion" transforms our understanding and expression of worship. By acknowledging Him as our everything, our sufficiency, and recognizing ourselves as His portion, we open our hearts to a more profound love and devotion.

                      Let us come together in worship, celebrating Jesus as our portion, and allow this truth to enrich our love for Him and deepen our faith. Through this journey, we find strength, hope, and a deeper connection to the One who loves us unconditionally.

                      Worship together: My Delight


                      SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS

                      Here are two small group discussion prompts that can help apply the message of "Jesus is My Portion" to daily life:

                      Discussion 1: Jesus as Our Everything

                      Prompt: Reflect on what it means for Jesus to be "everything" in our lives. Share personal experiences where you have felt Jesus providing all that you need. How can we shift our focus from worldly desires to embracing Jesus as our ultimate portion? Consider ways to incorporate this perspective into your daily life and worship practices.

                      Discussion 2: Trusting Jesus as Sufficient

                      Prompt: Discuss moments when you have struggled to believe that Jesus is enough. How can we cultivate a deeper trust in His provision and sufficiency? Share strategies for relying on Jesus in times of uncertainty and encourage each other to embrace His promises. How does this trust enhance our worship and relationship with Him?

                      These discussions aim to foster a deeper understanding and application of the message, encouraging participants to grow in their faith and devotion.