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Bethel Evangelical Free Church
Church • 2 members
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Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Living Under Authority - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 12
In today's sermon, Pastor Dean lays out God's orderly pyramid of authority in the church and our lives.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Living Under Authority - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 12
In today's sermon, Pastor Dean lays out God's orderly pyramid of authority in the church and our lives.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
American Idols - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 11
In today's message, Paul shares with the Corinthians a lesson from the children of Israel and the temptations they faced in the wilderness. Bringing it into the modern day, Pastor Dean reflects on how these lessons fit with life in 2022.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Limiting Our Liberty - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 10
Everyone likes to say they have their rights. The Apostle Paul had rights ho could have impressed on the Church in Corinth. Instead, he chose to limit his rights in order to help the Gospel spread. Today, Pastor Dean applies the same principle to our lives.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Christian Liberty - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 9
Should Christians dance? Should Christians play cards? Is it right for a Christian to drink alcohol or smoke? These are some of the questions Christians have nowadays. In Corinth, the church there wondered if it was okay for them to read meat which had been sacrificed to idols? Pastor Dean takes a look at what it means to have Christian Liberty.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Freedom's Spiritual and Civil Foundation
With Independence Weekend upon us, Pastor Dean is taking a much needed rest. So, today we have Reverend Todd Gould with us today to share with us that Jesus is the source of our spiritual and civil freedoms in the United States.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
2 years ago
Marriage FAQs - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 8
The question whether to get married or not has plagued people for centuries. As we see in today's message, it was certainly on the mind of those living in Corinth. In response to questions they had, Paul writes to give them advice about marriage and relationships between men and women.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
3 years ago
Father Abraham
We are all familiar with the children's song about Father Abrham having many sons. But do we really believe it? In today's Father's Day message, Pastor Dean takes a look at how Abraham is considered to be the Father of all who follow Jesus as their Savior.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
3 years ago
Continuing in the series in 1 Corinthians, We find that one of the problems they had in the church was lawsuits. Specifically, Christians were taking other Christians to court in front of unbelieving judges. Pastor Dean shows us how Paul addresses this issue with them.
Bethel Evangelical Free Church
3 years ago
When Sex Drives: Immorality in the Church - Book of 1st Corinthians: Part 6
he Christians in Corinth had to face daily reminders their city was mostly pagan. Temple prostitution was common in the first century, as well as other vices. But the church had a situation which even the pagans in the city thought was inappropriate. Today, Pastor Dean takes a look at what Paul has to say about confronting immorality.