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City Hope Fellowship
Church • Muncie, IN • 6 members • 3 followers
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Seeking to be a diverse people saved by Jesus, centered on Jesus, and sent by Jesus.
City Hope Fellowship
11 days ago
Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Habakkuk
Join us this morning as Pastor Josh dives into the justice and mercy of the book of Habakkuk.
City Hope Fellowship
25 days ago
Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Haggai
Hunger, pain, war, suffering, greed, and oppression. What should we do when we feel so disillusioned to the world around us? Especially when it seems like God's promises are so far off and incomplete. Join us as we learn from the Old Testament prophet Haggai, on how to remain hopeful and faithful in the midst of despair.
City Hope Fellowship
A month ago
City Hope Fellowship
A month ago
Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Philemon
The good news of Jesus brings us into right relationship with God and with each other, creating a new family. The creation of this new family is the most justice promoting, equality creating, and system upending reality in the world. The status quo simply will not do. And yet, that hasn't always been the way of the church. Join us as we look to the book of Philemon and learn about the work of Jesus.
City Hope Fellowship
2 months ago
Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Obadiah
Obadiah? Where's that book? As we start a new sermon series today, we begin with the shortest book in the Old Testament, the minor prophet Obadiah. This short book packs a lot in and is surprisingly relevant amidst the chaos of the current moment. We will look at what God has to say about how nations treat the most vulnerable people and what that means for how the church should respond today.
City Hope Fellowship
2 months ago
Counting the Cost
This morning our very own Patrick Alyea will be giving us a word from passages in Luke 8 & 9 and what it means to count the cost of being a disciple of Christ. Patrick Alyea is a ministry leader for Athletes In Action on Ball State's campus. AIA connects athletes and coaches to their global community where they can develop holistically and discover purpose both during and after their competing career.
City Hope Fellowship
2 months ago
Better Than A Baby
Join us this morning as our very own Benjy Poore gives his morning message on worry & trust. There are many seasons in our lives when it feels difficult to leave important tasks to God, but how good is it for us to be willing to trust him with the things that we often don't have control over. Let's find out!
City Hope Fellowship
2 months ago
How Does Our Heavenly Father Feel About Us?
We often feel like we aren't enough for God and that he is frustrated or disappointed with us as his children. However, scripture paints a different picture. In this message, City Hope's very own Brandon Clemens will help us discover how God the father really feels about his children.
City Hope Fellowship
3 months ago
Forgiveness Requires Repentance
This Sunday morning we have guest Preacher Rome Herbert joining us as he shares a word on forgiveness and repentance. Rome is a former staff member of City Hope Fellowship, and is currently serving his Indianapolis community through Hip Hop music. He shares stories that focus on blackness, mental health, and Jesus! He also leads songwriting worships for Songwriters growing in their artistry. Give a warm welcome to Rome.
City Hope Fellowship
3 months ago
The Ministry of the Gospel
This Sunday morning we will be hearing a final word from Hunter Wolfram as our Pastoral Intern. Please help us send him off well as we soak in his message to City Hope, "The Ministry of the Gospel"!