Equipping the Church Podcast
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Equipping the local church with technology and encouraging stories
Follow- A behind the scenes picture of our recording session with Dr. Kenneth Q James, Reverend David A. Williams and Dr. Daran Mitchell. We had a great time during their visit to Faithlife. Have you listened to their bonus episodes?
- Kristen, you did a great job teaching us how to use Faithlife for Wind of the Spirit Ministries. This will be a great asset to multiplying the ministry to which God has called us. Thank you!
- Have you listened to Bonus Episode Part 1: O May Not Duty Seem a Load? Did the reverends challenge your thinking about volunteerism in the church?
- I share a lot of their thoughts. We don’t really use the word “volunteers” at our church.
- How do you describe them if you don’t use the word “volunteer” Pastor Pat Damiani? Thanks for listening and sharing!
Pat Damiani — Edited
Kristen Tetteh we believe that according to Ephesians 4:11-16, every member is a minister. We really don't use titles a lot. We simply refer to those who are serving as a member of a ministry team. We feel like that communicates a much higher degree of expectations than someone who is merely a "volunteer". The term "volunteer" also communicates that service is optional.