Faithlife Free Book Club
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Follow- The reason I wrote 'This Risen Existence' was because I read a lot of Lent books that reflected on the lead up to Good Friday but had all stopped before Easter Sunday. As a result we ended up talking more about penitence, temptation and Jesus' death (hugely important though it is) than about his resurrection. So I thought I might ask - how important is the resurrection in your life and faith?
- March has arrived, and with it has come a free book from Dr. Paula Gooder! Follow the link below to get your free book, and then pop back here to read it in community. We're looking forward to some great discussion this month, led by Dr. Gooder herself.Free Book of the MonthBible study software that connects your life to the Word—Logos 7 helps you explore and understand the Bible with tools for Mac, PC, mobile devices, and the Web.www.logos.com
- Hi everyone, My name is Paula Gooder and I thought I'd pop into the group today to tell you a little about me, and a little about my book. I trained in New Testament studies in Oxford (my tutor was Tom Wright ...you may have heard of him?) and since then I have been teaching in seminaries and churches trying to communicate my joy in, and passion about, the Bible. I currently work for the Bible Society in England and Wales as their Theologian in Residence and Head of Bible Engagement. I wrote this book because I love Easter and the resurrection so much and wanted to explore it more. I hope you'll enjoy reading it, but more importantly, I hope you will enjoy thinking more deeply about the resurrection and all it means for us.
- This resource is in CP. You will receive a credit for the amount that you pay when the resource come out, so it will be free to you. Help us pay for the development of the Lexham English Bible Audio Old Testament and we'll match your contribution, determined by the final bid amount, in Logos credit. Once it ships, this resource will be free for everyone to enjoy.Lexham English Bible (LEB) with Audio Old TestamentThe LEB is a new translation of the Bible into English. It clearly communicates the meaning of the original languages and gives you a clear English translation, and shows you how it gets there. It is one of the components in a suite of resources from Logos Bible Software which connect the original language texts to formal translations.www.logos.com
- Yes. Born Mormon. Not a “Latter Day Saint” of Utah.🛤
- Larnell Mormon I'm sure that joke comes up often...
- I’m often asked that question. I know the Joseph Smith story. I am never /Not smiling when I defend the REAL GOSPEL of the MAN who IS “GOD in the FLESH”.
- We're constantly monitoring Logos for free books. Don't miss a beat right here: www.facebook.com/groups/FreeLogosBooksFree Logos Bible Books | FaithlifeA service of Brave Daily Christian Books. To support our work, please shop Logos Bible Software discounts from the following link: https://partner.logosbible.com/click.track?CID=431490&AFID=464097...www.facebook.com
- I didn't realize when I clicked on it, but it obviously does go to Facebook. Sorry, I choose not to be involved with a place that sells my identity to be used by the highest bidder.
- Okay, no more FB links!
- Peace of Christ to you JB.
- Here's an active FREE Faithlife BOOKS group where users are submitting free books, coupons, and free offers: https://faithlife.com/free-books ** LIKE if you see this **Free Faithlife BooksFree Faithlife Ebooks, Logos Bible Software, Verbum, and Noet books, resources, or offers.faithlife.com
- Are you curious what FREE BOOKS are available that you don't already own? Here's a link you can bookmark and refer back to regularly to take a look! https://goo.gl/kiMSkHLogos Bible Software - Bible Study at its bestBible study software that connects your life to the Word—Logos 7 helps you explore and understand the Bible with tools for Mac, PC, mobile devices, and the Web.goo.gl
- I imagine the bookmark/page has changed over the four years since the original link was posted. But it's not then hard to sort the list by price, so all the cheapest (free) books appear at the start.
- Thanks for the heads up. I didn't realise the post was so old when I got the notification email. My apologies.
- I'm always looking for interesting books for myself. There's probably not a day that goes by that I don't do that. I have a bunch of saved resources where I climb every day. I also have a bunch of different youtube channels where they review books. Sometimes I feel like I'm overdoing it, I stopped going to college because of it. Also found plagiarism free essay writing, used https://paperell.net/plagiarism-free-essay-writing for this. Have read 100 books incorrectly already, for sure, in my life. In the future, I plan to start my own page or youtube channel where I will give my own reviews.
- I created a growing Facebook Group that discusses #free books for Logos and the entire Faithlife family! Join us today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FreeLogosBooks Brought to you by the team at Brave Daily: https://goo.gl/LeMmdFSpecial Offer for BraveDaily.comBible study software that connects your life to the Word—Logos 7 helps you explore and understand the Bible with tools for Mac, PC, mobile devices, and the Web.goo.gl
- Free is good!
- I'm selling my licenses for my journals. I have an large library of journals. To give you an idea, my total cost for them was $1264.24. I'm will sell the licenses for $850. That's a savings of $414.24. If interested, shoot me an email at ferguson@bardstowncable.net and I will give you a full list of the journals. Keith Ferguson